Illustrating Bible Devotional & Tutorial

Hey friend! Recently I did a full Illustrating Bible video review. Last week I went on to create a Journaling Bible Paper Thickness video which many of you found really helpful. I then tested 86 pens in the Illustrating Bible and even did an Illustrating Bible art supplies test! Today, it’s what you all love from me so much… a creative devotional with tutorial. Let’s get this Illustrating Bible devotional started! It’s so refreshing! 😉 We’re looking into the book of Philemon, a letter from apostle Paul where some of my favorite passages are tucked away in one of the shortest books of the Bible!
A Refreshing Illustrating Bible Devotional
In this post, I’ve got a video, supplies linked, (even that nifty Bible sized, thin light pad for tracing!) and a free download so you can trace along with me in whatever Bible you have! This