Archival Ink DIY Stencil Masking – Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 26

Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 26 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! We all have times when we really want to spend time in the Word but time is not on our side. My mom always fought this by writing scriptures on 3×5 cards and taping them ALL over the house. Everywhere we spent lots of time, there were 3×5 cards to read while doing that thing. But what about creating in our Bibles? How do we make time for that?
My answer is to pick simpler techniques. When I have time, why wouldn’t I spend 7 hours painting a lion, or creating a self-portrait? When I don’t have time, why not do something simple and bold that lets me steal moments in the Word. Join me as I show you one of the quickest techniques [click to continue…]