Prophetic Art Challenge

Prophetic Art Challenge
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About the Prophetic Art Challenge

Join me on a life changing, 5 lesson, weekly Prophetic Art Challenge, where together we will connect with God and grow through creativity, in community. It’s free to participate and you don’t need anything special. In this Vol. 1 series, we’ll be growing in creatively releasing God’s presence from within us.


How To Participate Free

1. Sign up Now

Sign up today and you’ll immediately get your welcome email and first lesson shortly after. Then, every week (on Monday), you’ll get another lesson, right to your inbox!

Why sign up? I need a reliable way to ensure you get the lessons which you’re trying to participate in. (Your info is safe with me, I only send fun emails which you can unsubscribe to anytime.) This is free fun that can impact your creative relationship with God in a life-changing way. Let’s do this together!

This is my gift to you and is your creative journey with God. I have every expectation that God is about to bless you massively, as we grow together in Him both in spiritual depth and creative skill.

2. Get your Prophetic Art Challenge supplies

While this is not a full supply list of every product you’ll see throughout the lessons, it is key products you’ll see repeatedly during the series. I want you to keep getting value from the things you own instead of continually buying new stuff.

You do not need to own everything on this supply list to participate. My creative tutorials are optional but super fun. ? Use what you have, or purchase 1-2 recommended color products, based on your preference.

I’ve linked the specific (great quality) art journal that I’ll feature in this Prophetic Art Challenge. You’re welcome to create in a different art journal (I’ve linked recommendations), a Journaling Bible, on canvas, or another other surface you prefer. Notice the gesso is a white one. Any brand can work for you, but I recommend a smooth one like this. Grab the heat tool for your type of electrical plug. 

You can generally look around on the page I send you to, in order to find other various sets with larger or smaller range of color, or different colors when sold separately. Let this process be your own journey and what gets you enjoying time in the Word most. ?

Search my blog for tutorials on how these supplies work, if they’re new to you. This is your journey, so be sure you enjoy it! If a product is new to you, try buying the smallest amount, or set first, to try it out. Then, when you’re sure you love it, invest in a big set. Enjoy shopping!

3. Enjoy each lesson

Every lesson includes a video and blog post, combining spiritual teaching and creative tutorial, centered around a unique theme, finishing with a challenge for you to join me creating on/about that same theme and to then share the experience with our growing and very wonderful community.

I will take you through a prophetic art process and then challenge you to join me in also creating as a response to the teaching and theme for each lesson! Each blog post containing my video, always has additional teaching material and a full supplies list. There are even free downloads in some cases. Enjoy it ALL, to get the most out of this experience.

4. Take up the Prophetic Art Challenge and get creating

Once you’ve enjoyed each lesson, it’s time to take the challenge to spend time creating with God for yourself!

You do not have to use the art supplies or techniques I share. Please do create as a response to the teaching and theme for whichever lesson you respond to, if you plan share your creativity with our community.

5. Share and connect

Once you’re done creating, come share in our community on Facebook! The Prophetic Arts For Jesus community has been archived, but my main Facebook Group is alive and well… we’ll look forward to seeing you in there:

Everyone is SUPER supportive, inspiring and encouraging. There is nothing quite like sharing this life-changing journey with others.

6. Spread the word

Want to share with others and help spread the word beyond our community? That would be great!

  • Share on social media with these hashtags: #PropheticArtChallenge #RebekahRJones
  • If you write blog posts or create videos, please share a link to this page so others can join us!

You must contact me to ask first, if you’d like to use my images or content on your blog or website.


A short note…

You can respond to as few or as many of the individual challenges. It’s better you join in sometimes than not at all. ? There is no pace to keep up with. This is about creatively enriching, not replacing, our individual creative God time.


Prophetic Art Challenge Lesson Archive

If you’ve decided to participate in this Vol. 1 Prophetic Art Challenge series, you can reference the archive below. I would encourage you to sign up (above) to go on the journey in a sustainable way.

This series is freely available to you and actively being participated in with a growing community! Artists, Bible journalists, scrapbookers, art journalists, creatively interested and those with no creative experience… all are welcome! Please join me and bring your friends along!

This is my gift to you and is your creative journey with God. I pray the Prophetic Art Challenge will help you creatively release God’s presence within you.

Frequently Ask Questions

What if I fall behind, or need to stop?

You’re never behind and there is no requirement to “do” every challenge that comes your way. I’d rather you joined me sometimes, than feel “behind” and stop. Just do what excites you and gets you into the Word!

If you need your series emails to pause, look at the bottom of one and select to stop the series, (NOT unsubscribe). Then, when you’re ready to start again, sign up on this page again, using the same email. You should then start receiving emails, right where you stopped before.

Why and how do you offer this free?

The Prophetic Art Challenges are 100% free on my blog and will always remain free. Consider them a gift from me to you, for your creative time with God. Each lesson takes an average of 16 hours to create before publishing and supporting it. I am a full time artist and this blog is how I both help support my family and invest back into this art ministry. I only ever recommend what I love and no companies pay me to promote their product lines. You may see my full disclosure. There is no obligation to purchase through my links or buy my courses. However, I am grateful for any support which helps me afford the time to offer these lessons entirely free.

Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site!

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