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Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 34 of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge! This week I am staying On The Margin of my Bible, while we continue to talk about rest. I feel like so many people get confused about this topic. The Bible encourages us to make our life count for the Kingdom of God and yet it tells us to rest. People often wear themselves out trying to ensure they’ve made their life count for Him. God is not a slave driver. In fact, He considers it an act of obedience, to rest. Being lazy is not something we should do, nor is working ourselves to a point of worthlessness. Balance is key.
Rest is an important enough topic, that we see God resting after six days of creation and we see Jesus modeling rest to His disciples. God knows that we are at our best for Him, when we come refreshed and prepared to give 100% of ourselves to what is in front of us. We cannot give 100% if we wear ourselves out by constant doing. Let’s be in His presence today and let it refresh us, so we can be ready to give our all to the tasks before us.
I hopped over to the book of Hebrews for this challenge and had some discussion with my Ministry Champions, about what sort of supplies would be fun for illustrating my thoughts on the verse I chose. So, out came some mixed media techniques! Join me in my video and then I’ll [click to continue…]