The Beginning Bible Art Journaling Challenge Lesson 5
![The Beginning Bible Art Journaling Challenge Lesson 5](
Hello Everyone! Welcome to lesson 5 of The Beginning! Throughout this series of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge, we’re looking at key scriptures to understand the Bible story, while focusing on a select few supplies which any beginner can gain confidence with. If you feel less like a beginner, you’ll enjoy all the refreshers and some new insights. In lesson 5 we’re moving on to a pentecost study, when Holy Spirit was given! This marked a moment in history that literally changed everything. I’m excited to study this with you! We’ll grab our colored pencils (just black to be precise), and some Inktense for this challenge.
If you’re just finding The Beginning, I encourage you to start with Lesson 1, as this 6 lesson series is in a particular order for you to get the most out of our time together. Let’s buckle up for some creative fun as we study more of the Bible story together!
I want to remind you once again as we start a new lesson that the point of Bible art journaling is to grow in God, not to create something you’d be proud to put on your fridge. Our heavenly Father delights in watching us connect with His Word through creative pleasure. Enjoy the creative process and put away any lies that creating something “beautiful” is the goal. Record what He is doing in your life and delight in where you are today. Have fun!
Now, to get started with lesson 5, you’ll want to get your free download below. I’ll explain how to use it in the video portion of the lesson – it’s super simple!
Free download for Bible Art Journaling
If you’d like to use the free traceable download which I created for your Bible art journaling session of Lesson 5 in The Beginning, then you can click below to request yours now. What to know:
- If you sign up here, I’ll get you set up with The Beginning series and as a Rebekah R Jones subscriber, (if you’re not already). Yay!
- If you’re already subscribed to The Beginning, your “The Beginning Lesson 5” email is in your inbox with this download already waiting for you.
- Check out these help articles for getting a download, if you want help.
Click here to get your free traceable download!
When you request your free download, you’ll get signed up for The Beginning series (if you’re not already) and will start receiving emails from me which you’re welcome to unsubscribe from. Just know though, that you will miss out if you unsubscribe.
Once you’ve got your download, you just need to ensure you’ve got whatever Bible art journaling supplies you’ll be using for the lesson, before we get started with the video and then dive into some extra context to learn even more below!
The Beginning Lesson 5 Supplies
You’ll notice with each of our 6 lessons, that I’m sticking to a strict list of products across the series, so you can learn to use this small kit really well. You can refer to the series supplies list to see everything you’ll want, on The Beginning series page. Although I highly recommend you use what I’m featuring to get the most out of our time together in this series, you are free to participate with whatever you have, using the devotional for this lesson.
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In Lesson 1 and 2 we used colored pencil. In lesson 3 and 4, we used Inktense! Now, we’re bringing things full circle by using Inktense with colored pencil. If you don’t have Inktense, watercolor is a nice substitute. Check out my Journaling Bible guide to get a Bible specific to your own needs if you wish. You can see how few supplies are necessary to create in the Word!
Lesson 5 of The Beginning Bible Art Journaling Challenge
I’m doing my best to keep each video short to consider your time but there is more below to enrich your experience. Let’s get started!
Everyone who is signed up for The Beginning series, automatically gets this free guide to the Biblical meanings of colors, right in their Lesson 1 email. I created the guide myself. The Bible gives us many meanings for colors which I think adds a beautiful richness to our creative time in the Word. This little guide is a really useful tool to fold up in the back of your Journaling Bible for help in choosing colors meaningfully for your Bible art journaling sessions. You’re welcome to use it as a way to meaningfully select all the colors you’ll feature in your Bible art journaling entry!
If you are not yet signed up for The Beginning and want this guide, just sign up on this post to get the download for this week. You’ll receive this guide in your Lesson 1 email.
Bible Art Journaling Coloring Tips
If you cannot remember how to trace in your Journaling Bible, here is my quick video tutorial on it…
First my next Bible art journaling tip, let’s look at my 24 set of Inktense Blocks. If you have Inktense Blocks, I encourage you to write their color names right on the container under each block like I have. Here is the Derwent Inktense Blocks color chart. The pencils have the name printed on them. They only come with their number imprinted on the block, which wears off as you use the product. I wrote on both my 72 and 24 sets with water based paint pens. There are many different brands of paint pens on the market. My favorite water-based white one is from Sharpie. Try it on the back of the packaging to see if you’re happy with the result before you proceed. This bit of “set up” will make your creative time so much more relaxing and fun.
For this entry, I want to share with you what Inktense colors I filled my speech bubbles with, (in this particular order)…
- Iris Blue
- Shiraz
- Apple Green
- Fuchsia
- Sun Yellow
- Violet
- Tangerine
- Field Green
- Willow
- Chilli Red
- Sea Blue
The other thing I wanted to mention here is that as you color pencil your speech bubble outlines, don’t be worried about staying within the lines. Instead, simply be conscious of their general area. To achieve that imperfect look I went for, you’ll have to force yourself to “accidentally” outline with colored pencil, in and outside the lines and with jagged back and forth strokes using a very light hand. Practice on a different paper first if you want to get the hang of the style. The goal is to be yourself and let things develop however they do. Don’t be intimidated, you’ve got this!
Make Time for Bible Art Journaling
I’m gonna say what I always do… This lesson is easy to do, time considerate and full of simple stuff to ponder while you do dishes and laundry, (or sit in the car!). There is nothing to be scared of and everything to gain. There is grace if you need to be kind to yourself but I’m here to remind you to go after your friendship with God if you’re in need of a friendly nudge. If I may be so bold… we owe it to the Guy Upstairs who gives us oxygen, to make time to deepen our understanding of Him. Let’s consider it a date.
Have you decided when you’ll create for lesson 5 in your Bible? Okay, good.
Acts 1:4-8 and 2:1-4 (NASB), is the sections of scripture for this pentecost study…
Acts 1:4-8
Introduction: 4 Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Which,” He said, “you heard of from Me; 5 for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
6 So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority; 8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.”
Acts 2:1-4
The Day of Pentecost: 1When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared to them tongues as of fire distributing themselves, and they rested on each one of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
Gain Some Context
In the previous lessons, we’ve established who God is and here in this lesson, we’re doing a little pentecost study, to understand how Jesus came to leave us with Holy Spirit, so we may be His witness in all the earth.
To better understand the full picture of this topic in the Bible and this scripture in the context of the book it’s in, I want to share with you some wonderful videos from the guys over at The Bible Project. They are “helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus”. Good stuff!
They don’t know who I am, (even though I grew up in the city they are based in). I believe that understanding the context of scripture we read is a huge part of how we don’t misunderstand the Bible. If we want to grow in God, then we need to understand the broader story when we read something. These videos from The Bible Project really help you gain more understanding. I highly recommend you consider them part of the lesson. You can check The Bible Project out on their website:
Let’s firstly look at the topic of Holy Spirit…
Next, I want you to look at the literary context of the book of Acts. In essence, look at how the this first half of the book was written and pay attention to our chapters for this lesson, in Acts 1 and 2. You’ll be able to understand better, how what we’re looking at, fits into the bigger picture. It’s a lot of information so this is broken into 2 shorter videos and I’ve only included the half we’re looking at in this lesson.
Lastly, watch this video which has a different take on things. Instead of looking at the literary context, you can look at the actual story as it unfolds in the book of Acts. This is from a whole series on Luke & Acts. Again, keep an eye out for where chapter 1-2 fits into the wider Bible story. This is how we sharpen our skills of studying the Bible… to look for how what we’re studying, fits into the broader story and how that context can help us gain understanding.
Isn’t all this context interesting?! So much to grasp. I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts below.
Heart To Freedom, Bible Art Journaling Membership Community
This Bible art journaling stuff… it’s an intentional place where we make room for God to encounter us with His freedom. Isn’t that what we’re all hungry for? Let’s be intentional and grow in God together. I would be honored to pour into you through my Heart To Freedom membership program if you’re interested in learning more from me.
If you’d like to join our Heart To Freedom community, learn more here:
You can find answers to most any question you may have about participating in this challenge, on The Beginning page, which holds the lesson archive, series supplies list, how to join in and more!
Many ask if it is okay to share these posts with your friends. Please share! It is a simple way you can partner with me to impact lives. If you’re discovering this when it’s been a while since I published, that’s okay! It’s not too late to join in, (it never is!).
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As we wrap up the “consuming” part of lesson 5 in The Beginning Bible Art Journaling Challenge, it’s time for us to connect in the comments! Please pop below and answer these 2 questions, then head to your email inbox to grab your download and get started with your Bible art journaling!
- What have you learned today and how can you apply it to your life?
- What languages do you know?
You are loved. x
Dec 10, 2019 @ 4:50 pm
I’m always excited to dive into this topic and feel like I learn something new each time! What a treasure and GIFT to have the opportunity to have the living King of Kings not only adopt us as His own, but come and dwell in us!
To answer my own question about languages (to get to know each other a bit more!)…
I grew up only speaking American English and had the privilege of being fluent in ASL and SEE (sign language) for many years. I’ve not had opportunity to use the language much in this past season as England’s local sign language is an entirely different language. I’m quite rusty but if my mouth is full and I’m wishing to communicate, you might catch me accidentally signing to you. 🙂
When I moved to England over a decade ago, I had to learn, adjust and switch out much of my English to become a fluent British English speaker, which is said to be a 60% overlap with the American English language. I speak and write American for my ministry community but locally do British English. It’s rather confusing at times but I’ve gotten the hang of it mostly after all these years and with some effort, am beginning to learn to understand a bit of Yorkshire dialect too! 🙂
Dec 14, 2019 @ 4:37 pm
I really like the different languages in this lesson! The three videos on this are awesome. Helped me a lot. Thank you Rebekah.
Dec 16, 2019 @ 1:14 am
Great Lesson Rebekah. Thank You!!
I do have a question though, you “said” that “They only come with their number imprinted on the block, which wears off as you use the product. I wrote on both my 72 and 24 sets with water based paint pens. ” I am not sure where you wrote the number. Is it on the actual Intense block? I can be dense sometimes. LOL
To answer your one of your questions, I only speak English, I did have Spanish classes where I used to work, but never got to “practice” or use the language, so I lost what I had learned. I do “hear” the words when others are speaking Spanish and can pick up on the gist of the conversation though.
Dec 16, 2019 @ 6:33 pm
It was interesting as I journaled this lesson in my Bible Art Journal. I wanted to add what the language was so I added that as well after I traced and colored the speech bubbles. There are times when I pray in my prayer language that in my mind’s understanding becomes much more in-depth with God if that makes sense. I can only imagine what it must have sounded like when all those that were filled with Holy Spirit. Sometimes in church when we are worshiping I sense and internally hear more voices other than those singing. What an experience! Even though many years ago I was challenged with these verses of their opposite understanding of mine but one thing I DO know is I TRUSt the inner peace and love that indwells within me where my spirit and God connect and love His presence that is SO REAL!