Doing Community Effectively – Christian Life Musings Ep.1
I regularly share what’s on my heart, with my email subscribers. Sometimes, I feel the thoughts warrant a blog post and today Christian Life Musings is born. Now and then, I’ll share what’s on my heart with regard to Christian life. Consider it a written podcast, or devotional / food for thought. I pray each episode ministers to you. My goal is to come to you raw and real. Expect typos and thoughts as they flow. I pray you are blessed as I share from my heart, to pour into yours.
Let’s talk about doing community effectively.
Let’s talk… Relationship. Friendship. Community. Family. Doing community effectively requires something personally… from everyone.
We all need others in our life but we don’t always have this. And in some cases, we can take it for granted by not being intentional about building relationships with others who are in our life. Then, if “real life” shows up (because #RealLife), we look around and feel a bit more alone than we’d like.
I think we all can recognize there is such a meaningful richness to life when we share both our difficulties and our victories with people we do life with. Yet there is often something lurking in the back of our minds that can keep us from pursuing effective community life.
Laughing together is good for the soul! Praying for each other is so encouraging! When a friend holds us up through painful experiences or difficult times, it is refreshment to our very bones.
A key struggle in relationship comes with one word…