Art Journal Tutorial – I Am Treasured

Hello everyone! I’ve got an art journal tutorial for you today! I’ve long been asked how to creatively process time in the Word, outside of the Bible. You know… Bible journaling, but not inside the Bible. 🙂 Not everyone is comfortable creating inside of a Bible and I often get requests for these types of tutorials. It’s honestly something I’ve been doing far longer than Bible journaling and I’m excited to share a tutorial with you today!
The sweet folks at His Kingdom Come have asked me to join their Take Me Deeper series, as a featured artist. They’re taking the year focusing in on things God says about us. Each featured artist is taking a different statement of who “I am” in Christ. I was happy to agree to join and so today, I have for you an, “I am” creative prompt!
If you’re coming back as a regular part of my community, brand new to me, or joining from the His Kingdom Come series, thanks so much for hanging out with me today! I hope you’ll enjoy my video art journal tutorial and then get creating! [click to continue…]