Art Journal Tutorial – I Am Treasured

Hello everyone! I’ve got an art journal tutorial for you today! I’ve long been asked how to creatively process time in the Word, outside of the Bible. You know… Bible journaling, but not inside the Bible. 🙂 Not everyone is comfortable creating inside of a Bible and I often get requests for these types of tutorials. It’s honestly something I’ve been doing far longer than Bible journaling and I’m excited to share a tutorial with you today!
The sweet folks at His Kingdom Come have asked me to join their Take Me Deeper series, as a featured artist. They’re taking the year focusing in on things God says about us. Each featured artist is taking a different statement of who “I am” in Christ. I was happy to agree to join and so today, I have for you an, “I am” creative prompt!
If you’re coming back as a regular part of my community, brand new to me, or joining from the His Kingdom Come series, thanks so much for hanging out with me today! I hope you’ll enjoy my video art journal tutorial and then get creating!
I am treasured. You are treasured.
In my free class, Inspired Faith (lesson 7), I taught in the same art journal which we’ll do a new lesson in today.
The statement I chose to join the Take Me Deeper series with is, “I am treasured”. I honestly believe this is a truth in God’s Word that many don’t believe. It’s in the Bible and we know we’re supposed to embrace the whole truth, but life can bring storms that can cause disbelief to creep in.
The truth is, I am treasured by God. The truth is, you are treasured by God… the One who created the whole universe! God treasures you. If life has been hard and you’ve come to believe you aren’t valuable, or that you aren’t worth treasuring, I want you to hear me on this… it’s not true. If you’re sure that it must be true, but are having a hard time agreeing with Gods’ truth about you… I am so sorry for the pain and hardships that have knocked you. Give yourself grace. What matters is what we do with what we’re given.
You are not what has happened to you and you are not whatever lies you might believe about yourself. You are what God says you are and nothing can change that. If you agree with what He says about you, then you get to partner with Heaven’s best for your life!
If you need to start believing the truth about yourself, I want to boldly encourage you to stand up right where you are, right now and say out loud, “God, I am sorry for not believing that you treasure me. Please help me believe about myself, what you believe about me.” And now, be on the lookout for Him to show you what your beautiful value truly is. Forgive yourself and give yourself grace to figure this out. Don’t get locked into believing ugly things about yourself. It will cause you to get less out of life than you were designed for.
Today is a fabulous day to put behind a bad season and start embracing more truth of who you are as a child of God. And if you don’t have relationship with Him, you can. Just simply tell God (out loud), that you’re aware you make mistakes and that you need Him. Acknowledge that His son Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead, just so you could be pardoned of the wrongs you’ve committed in life. Invite Him to help you do life right and then get in relationship with others who can help you navigate that fresh relationship. He loves you right where you are today and nothing you’ve ever done can make you unworthy of love. You are loved. That is the final word on the matter.
I feel like somebody reading this feels they are unworthy of being forgiven or loved by God because of the wrongs you’ve done. If that is you, I promise, because of what Jesus did for you, there is nothing… absolutely nothing, that you can do to make God stop loving you or turn His heart away from you. Just come as you are. It’s good enough.
The scripture which goes along with my art journal tutorial today is Exodus 19:4-6.
4 You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. 5 Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; 6 and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.”
This section of scripture was a recording of what Moses was to share with the people of Israel. The amazing thing is that when Jesus came and died on the cross for us, He stood in the gap for us. Now, we don’t have to perfectly keep God’s covenant with us in order to be His treasured possession. Jesus paid the price so we wouldn’t have to. That does not mean we don’t have to obey the Word. God told us to do what He knows will help us thrive best in life. What it does mean though, is that we are treasured by God and nothing can now separate us from His unending love.
Art journal tutorial
Let’s chat in the comments below! What sort of art tutorial would you find helpful? What sort of art journal do you already use? Let’s talk art journaling in the comments below!
On that note, enjoy this art journal tutorial packed with tips along the way!
So, it is your turn to get creating!
Art journaling supplies featured today
As promised, here are the supplies I featured in this tutorial. I hope they help you find anything you may want to try out. All links will lead to my affiliate partners, Dayspring (DS), (SB), Amazon (AZ), Simon Says Stamp (SSS), and United Kingdom Suppliers (UK), with the exception of other links provided freely. These supplies are purely optional and you are free to participate with whatever you have. Thanks for your support!
Bible Art Journaling Challenge
In my video tutorial, I mentioned the Bible Art Journaling Challenge. If you’re not already part of it, you can join for free and get started today!
A note from the His Kingdom Come folks…
Come and join the faithart journey at His Kingdom Come! FREE weekly devotions, faithart inspirations, technique videos, faithart classes- combining techniques and bible study! Lots of faithart products– stencils, stamps, thermofax screens, canvas, and coloring books! If you were part of Take me deeper in 2015, please sign up for the 2016 Take me Deeper, so that you have access to the devotions, techniques and discussions! Free planner/journal pages are found here. Take Me Deeper will be continuing in 2016 with the “I am statements” of Jesus and our Spiritual DNA. Looking for your “word” for 2016? His Kingdom Come has prepared an EBook for free containing the idea of living one word, worksheets and all the prompts for 2016! Get it for free here:
If you have not done so yet, be sure to join my email list, so you can be first to know when I release new content!
Thanks for joining me. Please take a moment and comment below! I’d love to hear from you!
You are loved. x
*When indicated Scripture is from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
*Links take you to my affiliate partners, Dayspring (DS), (SB), Amazon (AZ), Simon Says Stamp (SSS), and United Kingdom Suppliers (UK). And, occasionally to other shops when I am not an affiliate of whomever sells/shares what I am linking to. When you find deals which I’ve recommended through my affiliate partners, I get supported. This has no effect on you and makes a real difference for me. You may view my affiliate and product disclosure for more info on how this works. Thank you, I so appreciate your support, which helps me support your creative journey with God!
Aug 28, 2016 @ 10:49 pm
Thank you, Rebekah, for doing this. I like that I can express myself either in a Bible or an art journal – whatever I am more comfortable with at that time. It really helped me to see and hear you speak about your process…….Linda E.
Aug 29, 2016 @ 11:00 pm
Thank you for putting up the “{I am} treasured” challenge! I ended up taking some time on Saturday the 27th to let these words in Exodus speak to my heart. What came of it, was artwork and a letter written to my future daughter, Ruby. Perfect timing as we are trying again with infertility treatments at the end of Sept! 🙂
Oct 18, 2016 @ 10:10 pm
I have recently had a series of problems that sent me to hospital and care center. Your ideas were with me all the way. While I was unable to do actual work I did do lots in my head. Even showed activity director some new things she had not heard of, before we could do lots I got to leave. But thanks for keeping be centered during that time. Pray I do not have to do it over again, rather stay at home with my craft supplies and computer and of course Rebekah and her ministry.
Jul 4, 2019 @ 9:37 pm
I remember you doing this in His Kingdom Come. I really enjoyed it a lot.