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Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 26 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! We all have times when we really want to spend time in the Word but time is not on our side. My mom always fought this by writing scriptures on 3×5 cards and taping them ALL over the house. Everywhere we spent lots of time, there were 3×5 cards to read while doing that thing. But what about creating in our Bibles? How do we make time for that?
My answer is to pick simpler techniques. When I have time, why wouldn’t I spend 7 hours painting a lion, or creating a self-portrait? When I don’t have time, why not do something simple and bold that lets me steal moments in the Word. Join me as I show you one of the quickest techniques [click to continue…]
Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 25 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! This week I pulled out a beautiful old Bible I found at a charity shop here in England. It says it was published in M.DCCC.LV. That’s the roman numeral for the year 1855!
This Bible was appointed to be read in churches. It was a real treasure to find and I really enjoy using it for creative purposes to give it use again and enjoy it rather than allowing it to sit and collect dust somewhere.
For this challenge, I used Twinkling H2O’s and Yasutomo Pearlescent Watercolor. Both are stunning in person and hard to catch on camera. I admittedly thought I’d find the shimmery effect to look tacky when I first used them. Quite the opposite occurred. I got left with [click to continue…]
Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 24 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! This week I have created something which feels closer to “my style” than many things I teach on. I can do all sorts of styles and love creating and teaching a variety of things. Sometimes its fun to just let your hair down and get engrossed in the creative process. For today I just gathered the supplies I wanted to show you, found some scripture I really wanted to hear God speak to me more about, and let myself get lost in the process. Such beauty in all this.
I LOVE mixed media. I LOVE creating with no rules. I LOVE getting lost in God’s presence while creating. I LOVE God’s Word. This was even more fun for me than usual, if that is even possible. 🙂 The creativity today expresses “me” and my relationship with God quite well. Today I used Gansai Tambi watercolor, Faber-Castell Pitt Pens and also [click to continue…]
UPDATED: Aug 19, 2021
Hello Everyone! Welcome to lesson 23 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! Every week I try to listen in to what God is wanting to say to those participating in this challenge. The art tutorials and supplies are then chosen to best depict what I believe He most wants communicated on our journey together.
This week I am SO excited to be sharing a super easy and fun tutorial to SEW in your Bible! YES, you can sew in your Bible! You can even leave your sewing machines to one side today. Well, you could pull out the sewing machine if you want, but today I’m showing you how to sew, with no experience and no sewing machine! What’s not to love about this!?! [click to continue…]
UPDATED: September 9, 2017 *Since this Distress Ink Smooshing post was originally published, I have fully developed the official technique for page prep, which will help you achieve the creativity of this fun lesson, with ease and no bleed through on your Bible pages. Info on this post has been updated where possible.
Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 22 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! I want to show you how to do a little ink smooshing in your Bible with Distress Ink! This is so fun!
If you haven’t yet signed up for this series, you’ve got nothing to lose. You’ll immediately get a welcome email and start in on a full year of weekly lessons… entirely free!
The greatest benefit of signing up, is a self-paced experience to keep you on track, in this beautiful journey of encountering Jesus through creativity, with myself and our supportive growing community. There are [click to continue…]
Hello everyone! So, many of you know I run a free weekly Bible Art Journaling Challenge. It is essentially a weekly prompt with a video art tutorial and devotional all wrapped up in one relaxed, come-and-go-as-you-please challenge, with a Facebook Group and/or Google+ Community for those participating in any loose or full-on way. (Feel free to check it out if you haven’t yet!)
Anyway, since starting the challenge in January, I’ve learned one thing for sure. The hunger to learn more about art journaling in a Bible and all it entails, is global and growing rapidly. God is using this idea of joining our time in the Word with our creativity, to help us hide His Word in our hearts in a VERY fun way! And, it’s caught on like a wild fire that cannot be put out. Praise God for that! 🙂
I get SO MANY questions about Bible journaling and can only offer my own answers. Sometimes that is just fine. Other times, I search around to point people at those who have other ways of doing this process than myself. A few months ago I started dreaming of putting a blog post together, interviewing some well loved favorite creative ladies, who art journal in their Bibles. There are too many for just one interview but at least today is a start.
I wanted to bring some much asked questions, under one roof for answers to support, inspire and encourage you. And today, I get to share it with you! As anticipated, this has turned out to be more amazing than I dreamed up. You are in for a serious treat today!
I’ve rounded up and interviewed Shanna Noel, Jann Gray, Heather Greenwood, Natalie Elphinstone, April Crosier, Lisa Montgomery and Valerie Sjodin! If you art journal in your Bible, you know this is an incredible group of ladies who you’ll get to know more, be inspired by and learn from today! [click to continue…]
UPDATED: September 11, 2017 *Since this watercolor pencil post was originally published, two things have happened. The Derwent Aquatone watercolor product (essentially watercolor pencil), has been retired. I have also fully developed the official technique for page prep, which will help you achieve the creativity of this fun lesson, with ease and no bleed through on your Bible pages. Info on this post has been updated where possible.
Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 21 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! I’ve got a very practical and interesting tutorial for you today using watercolor pencil.
If you haven’t yet signed up for this series, you’ve got nothing to lose. You’ll immediately get a welcome email and start in on a full year of weekly lessons… entirely free!
The greatest benefit of signing up, is a self-paced experience to keep you on track, in this beautiful journey of encountering Jesus through creativity, with myself and our supportive growing community. There are [click to continue…]
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