Archival Ink DIY Stencil Masking – Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 26

Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 26 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! We all have times when we really want to spend time in the Word but time is not on our side. My mom always fought this by writing scriptures on 3×5 cards and taping them ALL over the house. Everywhere we spent lots of time, there were 3×5 cards to read while doing that thing. But what about creating in our Bibles? How do we make time for that?
My answer is to pick simpler techniques. When I have time, why wouldn’t I spend 7 hours painting a lion, or creating a self-portrait? When I don’t have time, why not do something simple and bold that lets me steal moments in the Word. Join me as I show you one of the quickest techniques I’ve shared.
Archival Ink DIY stencil masking
To be honest, I wasn’t really sure what to call this. Archival Ink DIY stencil masking is what I ended up with. You can watch the video and see for yourself what I did and then I’ll share a few more tips below so stick around afterward. 😉
The photos don’t do this one justice. This creativity looks great in real life. I love how it turned out. I hope you can capture the essence of what I achieved and try it out for yourself to see how great it is in real life.
Archival Ink is a stamping ink which is oil based. That means once it dries, it is permanent. If you are worried you’ll use too much pressure or forget to stamp your blending tool off to the side before adding to your page, thus having the ink bleed through, have a look at what I did with Archival Ink in week 14 of this challenge. I did something similar blending Archival Ink on the page there, but two things are different.
Firstly, I prepared my page with Liquitex Matte Gel Medium. This did keep my page safe from the ink bleeding through. However, I did find the ink blending tool wanted to stick to the page I was working on, rather than glide across it as I moved the tool in that necessary circular motion.
I would do it again. I just prefer my creative time to be fill with easy fun and it was more work. 🙂 I have plenty of hard work in my life. Creativity is preserved for getting lost in bliss with Jesus. 😉
Secondly, I was blending on some ink and then stamping, where as here, I created a mask to blend over.
In week 1 of this challenge, I blended with Distress Inks with a similar feel to this week. Archival Ink is permanent while Distress Inks are designed to keep lifting when they come into contact with liquid. They blend on a bit differently. A key difference is that this page with Archival Ink will never change again regardless if I were to get my Bible wet. I still use both and love both. You could use either with great success.
Just make sure you get some ink on your blending foam, (they wash out for re-use!), then tap it on another surface to get off any excessive ink. As you approach the Bible page, tip your blending tool at an angle so the middle of it hits the page first and blend in circular motions with that angle. Works wonderfully. You could use different colors together too!
Stencil or mask
For the sake of people understanding me, I’ve said this is a stencil masking technique. Lets have a little practice in “technical terms”, for all our sake moving forward. A stencil is a stencil when the plastic allows you to see a shape missing in the design. A mask is a mask when your plastic is the shape and the area around it is missing.
For example, if you had a stencil and mask of a tree, the stencil would have holes where the tree should be so you could add color to make a tree appear on your surface while protecting the surrounding area from color. Meanwhile, a mask of a tree would be a piece of plastic which had the tree shape for you to lay on your surface and color all around it while keeping the tree free of color.
Some companies sell the stencil and mask of the same design which can double the options and be very interesting. For this weeks Bible Art Journaling Challenge, I wanted to make my own mask. Some people call it a stencil mask when they’re wanting to be clear or don’t know the difference. Now you know if you didn’t before. 🙂
Cutting a mask
If you don’t have a die cutting machine… firstly, I encourage you to consider if you’d get use out of one and save up for it if you would. It wouldn’t be helpful to everyone but it certainly has been for me. I got one by asking everyone in my family to pitch in together for Christmas one year. I then had just the machine and no dies, until I could afford them one at a time. 🙂
After a lot of research, I chose the Big Shot by Sizzix. The same machine is also sold as the “Big Kick” depending on the reseller you purchase from. I got the Big Shot because, of all the dies sold by different companies, the Big Shot is able to use most every brand on the market. I have yet to buy a die that my machine won’t let me use. No need for more than one machine in my mind.
I find that the more dies I get, the more use I get out of the machine. It is a long term investment which goes on sale a lot and so do the dies you need for cutting shapes. My advice is to buy dies you can use for lots of different things, so you’re spending your money on versatile products.
Will you talk with me in the comments below about your thoughts on die cutting? We could all benefit from your thoughts!
So, what if you don’t have money for a die cutting machine or don’t want one but DO want to make a mask to join me in this challenge? I came across this video which could be a great solution. Just make yourself a mask instead of a stencil like He did. 🙂
This weeks scripture
Psalm 34:8 in the NASB says…
O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
I LOVE this verse. It is one of my favorite verses. But the history of why and when David wrote it, makes this verse even more interesting. Let me explain. Stick with me.
Zondervan Handbook To The Bible
The Zondervan Handbook To The Bible is an excellent Bible study tool. I first came across it when I got one the first day of Bible college as part of my tuition books. I’ve added it to the supplies list below in case you want to check it out.
Anyway, the book is pretty strait forward. You simply search for the section of scripture you want to learn more about. The book is ordered in the same way the Bible is. When you find your way to where you want to learn more about, you may find photos and even additional supportive text for that area of the Bible or book in it generally.
I may be a bit of a researcher but the book is easy to use and always full of interesting information I could never have easily learned elsewhere. It also has a “Rapid Factfinder” in the back which really helps when you want to use the book for information when you don’t have a particular scripture section in mind.
I looked up what the Zondervan Handbook To The Bible had to say about Psalm 34. Here is what it said…
An alphabet poem (see on Psalm 9). The Hebrew title says the psalm is by David and links it to the incident in 1 Samuel 21:10-22:1, although the king’s name there is Achish.
A man with such a story to tell of God’s faithfulness cannot help sharing it. He owes it to God and his fellow believers (1-10). In the psalmist’s experience, the person who honours God finds life (11-14). His misfortunes may be many, but God brings him through them all (19-22).
Digging in
So, this time, I don’t want to do too much research for you. I want to hopefully compel you to search scripture and learn some things. Read through 1 Samuel 21:10-22:1. Read through all of Psalm 34 which David wrote at the time of the story you read in 1 Samuel.
You’ll notice your Bible may title the 1 Samuel 21 chapter as “David Takes Consecrated Bread”. This may not be in your particular Bible but it is in my NASB Note-Taker’s Bible and other Bibles. It describes what happened.
Basically, David was running for his life from Saul. Ahimelech was the priest at that time and David came to him asking for some bread. He was in need of food. It so happened there was no other bread than the consecrated bread. Before Jesus came and died on the cross and was resurrected, there was a different setup of worship. The priests were the only ones able to eat the bread which had been consecrated to God. Anyone else who ate it died.
And here David asked for it anyway. He ate it and did not die. It was a foreshadowing of when things would be different after Jesus made a new covenant possible. There is so much to learn from that section of scripture. But we’ll leave that topic there for now.
Matthew 12, Mark 2 and Luke 6 are all places where Jesus is documented as referencing this story in 1 Samuel 21. Psalm 34 is where David writes from the season of life he was in.
So, in 1 Samuel 21, David took the consecrated bread (verses 1-6), and also the sword of Goliath (verses 8-9), and fled on to Achish who was king of Gath (verse 10). You get the impression that David thought that would be a safe place to run from Saul. Turns out it wasn’t (verses 11-12) and David decided the only way to escape was to pretend to be mentally unwell (verse 13)! It worked, as they lost interest in his ability to fight on their behalf (verses 14-15), and he was able to go on from there (chapter 22 verse 1).
When you go on to 1 Samuel 22:1-2, (past chapter 21), you see that David has in interesting development in his life. He was in essentially the worse season of his life to date, (running for his life from Saul), and suddenly (in 1 Samuel 22:2)…
“Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him; and he became captain over them. Now there were about four hundred men with him.”
This is a great example in scripture where we see how our own life circumstances gather others of like situation. David had favor on his life. He had been anointed king but not yet crowned. Yet he was running for his life because of it. And in that place of brokenness and difficulty, he ended up with 400 men who were “in distress, in debt and discontented”! What a crew to end up have following you around when you think its time to look out for yourself!
Even his own family had joined him! You see in 1 Samuel 22:3 that David is actually looking for a place to keep his family out of harms way and in better place than following him around. Those men who followed him, may have been a motley crew but they meant business and protected David with their own life. The priest Ahimelech gave his life protecting the whereabouts of David. They believed he was anointed for rulership and fought for what they knew should be.
In that very season, you see Psalm 34 written by David. In verse 3 he is likely addressing his mighty men who were with him.
O magnify the Lord with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
David led the way of worship God. Of praising Him in all things. We don’t praise God FOR difficulty. We praise Him IN difficulty.
O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
Just as I talked with you about in last weeks challenge, let us trust God and take refuge in Him. Let us sit in the shadow of His wings and let us taste and see that He is GOOD!
Good is not a state of happiness and God’s goodness does not come and go depending on our season. He is good at all times.
Today’s Bible art journaling supplies
As promised, here are the supplies I featured in this weeks video which you can click on to view or purchase. I hope it helps you find anything you may want to try out. I receive a small percentage of each purchase when anyone clicks on my art supply links, to go get supplies I use like you see below, or on my YouTube videos. This has no effect on you and makes a real difference for me!
I am excited for you to get great deals on supplies anywhere, so you can join in on your budget. When you find deals which I’ve searched for and recommended below, I get supported. Thank you, I so appreciate your support which helps me provide these free tutorials for you!
Be sure to also view my Bible Art Supplies page for Bibles, art journals and other art supplies I recommend for Bible art journaling.
Click images to view art supply details or to purchase.
Bibles ideal for Bible art journaling
There are several wide-margin Bibles I’ve seen recommended for art journaling, including large print versions. I’ve created a linked collection here to make your choice easier when looking for a Bible to art journal in. If you click on any of the Bibles, you will often be able to look inside to see the pages for yourself before purchasing!
I really like my ESV Journaling Bible with faint lines in the 2 inch wide margin and cream paper color. I love my imitation leather, NASB Note-Taker’s Bible, which is free of lines in the wide and bottom margin with white paper. All give extra room for creativity.
You can also join in with a Bible you already have, or even an art journal like the art journals I recommend.
Click images to view art supply details or to purchase.
Your turn to create!
I would love you to try any of the techniques I’ve shared in my process with you today if you’re interested in them. I also want you to feel free to gather inspiration for this scripture in other places and create right on your page if you want. I’m looking forward to seeing what you Bible art journal for this weeks challenge!
You can find answers to most any question you may have about the Bible Art Journaling Challenge over on my Challenge page found in the top navigation. It also has a full archive! Be sure to head over to our Facebook group and/or Google+ Community, to chat about this weeks Bible Art Journaling Challenge and get started on your own page!
If you have not done so yet, be sure to join my newsletter on the right-hand side of this page, so you can be notified when I release new Challenges and other exciting creative things. And, don’t forget to share this with any friends you think might want to know about it.
Let’s talk!
How do you feel about Psalm 34:8 and how it fits in to Scripture? What are you thinking of creating for this verse? Will you use Archival Ink like I have or something else entirely? Let’s talk about it in the comments below! 🙂
You are loved. x
Jun 29, 2015 @ 11:14 pm
Hi Rebekah Just a quick comment on the die cutting machines. I actually started with a Grand Calibur. You can fit an A4 sheet of paper in this machine but I really wanted to use the Bigz dies and they won’t fit through the GC. So I invested in a big shot and I love it. I never use A4 paper or dies anyway! I gave my GC to a friend just starting out in a craft business – well it’s on permanent loan! I was able to have the Big Shot because the Carers Unit bought it for me so I am very blessed. There is an even wider Big Shot but I don’t need it at the moment as you said, virtually every metal die will fit into the Big Shot!
Jun 30, 2015 @ 1:47 am
Hi Rebekah. This is a great Bible Art post. I love the simplicity of it. About the cutting machines, I too have Sizzix Big Shot and really enjoy it. Before I got that though, I had a Cuttlebug. I really enjoyed that machine, too much, I guess, because I have just about worn it out. The reason I mention the Cuttlebug is because it is a bit lower in price than the Sizzix Big Shot. But, it is a fantastic machine!!!! You can catch it online, for sale at times, just a bit over 50 dollars. So, that is a great bargain and like the Big Shot, it will cut basically any kind of die out there. I also have the Grand Calibur. It is a fine machine, but it is very limited in what you can cut with it. Mostly the Spellbinder dies and the thin dies. There are a lot of options out there. So, I would think what ever gives you the most options is the best deal. The Big Shot or the Cuttlebug would offer the most use of the most types of dies, and they are found on sale quite often. I hope this helps someone. Keep up the great work! God bless you! hugs, Patty
Jul 5, 2015 @ 10:46 pm
Hello Rebekah. I’ve just come across Bible journaling, your YT channel and your Blog. Thank you for what you do. I received my journaling Bible today and will start my first verse with you on Tuesday. I do have a question. In your videos, I have noticed you use a page protector to test your colors. What is the brand of the page protector? Again, thank you for what you do.
Jul 6, 2015 @ 1:28 pm
Hi AJ! Can you help me understand what you’re referring to so I can be of more specific help? 🙂
Jun 13, 2019 @ 11:45 pm
Great lesson…great message on it. Thank you!