More Than You Ask For – Heaven Is Calling Lesson 7

Hello Everyone! Welcome to lesson 7 in the Bible Art Journaling Challenge series, Heaven Is Calling! We’re talking about page prep, stamping and coloring with pens! Faber-Castell Pitt Brush Pens! And that title for this challenge? You’ll have to watch the video to understand. 😉 Importantly, I’m doing something highly requested, that I’ve never done before.
I’m taking you “behind the scenes” of my Bible journaling planning, designing and thought process… a major request. A big video and it is full of tips on font pairing, stamping, page prep, coloring with pens, no bleed through and a whole lot more that is super simple to do! Trust me. You can do this.
Lets be honest, I’ve been so busy developing an exciting new online course for you (coming soon!), that I’ve got a lot of people saying they miss me. So, I’m taking some extra time with you today. More time than I’ve ever taken on a Bible Art Journaling Challenge before! This blog post will [click to continue…]