At Long Last… What’s In The Making For 2016!

Hello everyone! At long last, I have spare time to sit and share about what is coming in 2016! I have been inundated with requests for this and am so grateful for your patience and support while I was traveling last month and am still catching up.
I know many of you want to hear about the Bible Art Journaling Challenge. If it will continue in 2016, how it will look if it does, etc. etc. Let me put your mind at ease and say that the Bible Art Journaling Challenge WILL continue in 2016! And, it WILL remain free. But, it WILL ALSO look different than it has in 2015. And for how it will look, you’ll have to keep reading. 🙂 I want to share a few things with you, before we get to that detail. I know you’ll want to hear about these things and it will all make better sense in this order. It is clear you want more from me and after much prayer and planning, I’m excited to share!
My heart
Firstly, let’s talk about my heart for this art ministry. If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that I run more than one creative ‘project’. The Bible Art Journaling Challenge is sort of the baby in my creative family and my Door Of The Day photography series, I guess, is my side-kick. 🙂
One of the largest art ‘projects’ I run, which I founded in 2008 is Prophetic Arts for Jesus, a Facebook Group, (community really). It now has thousands of members from across the globe, featuring thousands of photos of prophetic art and is the largest community of its kind online. What is prophetic art? In my own words, in my post on prophecy and the creative community…
As far as I am concerned, prophecy must build people up, encourage them and draw them to Jesus. Prophecy delivered in a creative manner, should follow these core values and together, we can create a safe place for people to encounter God, draw near to Him and become the very best version of themselves through edification and encouragement they receive.
Have a look at my post on prophecy and the creative community to learn more of my thoughts on prophetic art and what it is.
My heart is to support people in encountering Jesus through creativity. Anything I do in my art ministry, must support that vision. With that in mind, I need to add more to what I offer, than I could in the past. For many years I’ve had some projects tucked in my heart and it is time for some of them to come to life in 2016. This year I’ve also had growing requests for particular things which I want to do well at responding to as I am able.
When I launched the Bible Art Journaling Challenge, I knew it would consume a lot of time. I guessed it would be more than I could imagine. And, it has been even more than that. Each challenge with its tutorial and devotional, takes an average of 16 hours to create, film, edit, record, photograph, blog and share. After that there are usually several countless hours supporting the questions relating to its release and then the development of what will come next. It is a full time project doing it weekly and I’ve loved it all.
When I got to August and began developing an upcoming class for, I was working an average of 70 hours per week through the end of November. That alone explains why I am only just writing this blog post. Rest had to be taken when it could be found along the way. I am excited for the class to become available in early 2016. It is going to be free on their website! Be sure to sign up for my emails, if you want me to let you know when it becomes available! The long hours and hard work will be so worth it. I really believe God is going to use the class to help people encounter Jesus in a beautiful way.
Dreams to make a reality
There are a couple of things I have wanted to do for several years now and am excited to begin in 2016.
The first is to create online art courses which will support people like you, in encountering Jesus through creativity. I’ll talk about the second one in a bit.
Yes, I offer individual videos on my YouTube channel, which is great to be able to continue to do. But, having online art courses will enable anyone with internet, to learn with a more in depth and useful process. Instead of one video quickly touching on several things, I’ll have time to teach things in ways which will hopefully support you more fully.
I am open to invites for workshops and retreats in the later part of 2016, so feel free to contact me if interested. However, I want to focus the earlier part of the year, on creating art courses which will finally give answers to questions I get from all over. I want everyone to be able to access more in-depth teaching from me and online courses are a great way to achieve that.
I want to start with art courses which cover some basic techniques and questions everyone needs and wants from me. In time, I’ll offer devotional specific courses too. My first online art course which I will offer in the new year, will be a totally free mini course, focused on taking the mystery out of choosing and using supplies, for Bible art journaling. An answer to the vast amount of questions I get about this. My second course will be focused on page prep for Bible art journaling. All of my favorites, tips, tricks and secrets laid bare. Another highly requested topic. I want to create art courses which answer questions that in turn, allow people to not get hung up on technical matters and instead enjoy the flow of creativity as it comes.
Will you give me feedback in the comments below? Am I on track with my first course choices? Are these what you want from me? What would you like me to teach an art course on after that? 🙂
Full time art ministry
It is no secret how I am able to be full time in this art ministry. I always try to remain transparent and hope this helps you trust me in this journey together. I have amazingly wonderful patrons on Patreon who chip in $1+ per month, to partner with the vision of this ministry and it all amounts to be incredibly helpful collaboratively. All of that money goes directly back in to supporting the growth of this art ministry. Art supplies I teach with, cameras, equipment, software and online programs, all cost money and I am grateful to partner with those who believe in impacting lives through creativity. You are welcome to hop over to my Patreon account, where you can see me in front of the camera on my video, where I share my heart there and what it’s about.
A bit more of my income is from affiliate commissions. These are earned when you click on the product links I share, to start your shopping at and I am partnered with them and make a tiny commission off each purchase you make, after clicking my links to shop there. Some of my blog followers actually hop onto my blog and click on any or link, before doing their regular shopping on those sites, which means I get supported while they do life at no extra expense. I am so grateful that many of you find ways to partner with me through giving and personal shopping, so I am able to keep pursing this vision full time.
The income I gain from affiliate commissions, additionally goes back into growing this ministry and also helps pay bills, so I can focus all my time on helping people encounter Jesus through creativity. And when I say “all my time”, it really has been that this year. I am not afraid of hard work or long hours, when it builds a dream in my heart, that must be given wings to fly. I am also blessed to understand when it is time to hang my tools and rest.
When I was growing up, my grandma would take on commissioned painting work and sometimes spend months on a beautiful oil painting. One time she even painted a tiny detail under magnifying glass, of a couple enjoying a city view from a hot tub! It was a fun surprise for the client who had to be told, since they would have never recognized it with the naked eye! She did it for the sheer love of the art. She could take as long as she wanted on the piece, to ensure it was to the standard she would want. My grandpa was such a support of her creative passions, which I am beyond blessed to have in my own husband.
These days, I find myself pondering the season of my grandmas younger art life. Akiane Kramarik has some paintings which sell for over 1 million dollars. She can afford now to disappear to paint 6 months on 1 painting, as she does. I am fairly young in my so called art career, which requires me to work on projects which create a return of time invested, in a shorter period of time. This year, I created and released something new each week with the Bible Art Journaling Challenge. Next year, I expect to create art courses which will be a greater time investment, but provide even better value to you in the long-run. It is much like the difference between a 3 hour painting and a 3 month painting.
As I create art courses, I will charge for most of them, in order to allow myself the time to invest in them being valuable to you. I’d rather 100 took a course at an affordable rate, than 10 at a more costly rate. I will of course have a free course and the Bible Art Journaling Challenge will remain free and available, as well as my YouTube channel continuing. So, as you can see, while some of what I will offer will be for an affordable charge next year, I will continue to offer many free things as well. I hope that if the art courses I offer are something you would enjoy and benefit from, that you’ll support my art ministry by taking the course and in doing so, make it possible for me to keep making more!
Prophetic arts
Another thing I have wanted to do for several years, is to offer tutorials and teaching to support growth in the prophetic arts community. In 2016, I want to begin to create YouTube videos and blog posts for this purpose. I have invested myself in this community for 7 years now and I am excited about this project. I’m expecting to create 1 video and blog per month, where I’ll teach how to hear from God on a matter and then create what is on your heart. This might sound scary or exciting. I promise it will be more fun and more engaging than we both imagine! Listening in to God always is and creating with Him is exhilarating!
I truly believe that there is a cross-over God is wanting to birth, between those who art journal in their Bibles, and those who create prophetic art. I feel like there will be a wonderful heavenly explosion as these two communities properly discover each other and I want to play a part in supporting this taking place.
I believe prophetic artists will begin hearing God more deeply, as they discover the art journaling process with the Word. And, I also believe Bible art journalists will corporately awaken to a deeper level of hearing God, as they more fully discover the prophetic art process. There is something beautiful and rich in both creative focuses and I feel like God wants to awaken hearts in a new way this coming year, which I’m excited to partner with!
I think that those who follow my Bible Art Journaling Challenge, will find both my prophetic art videos and my art courses to be a very exciting addition to what I am already offering.
In addition, I will be creating occasional short videos, which will focus on particular techniques or supplies, to help answer individual questions I get regularly.
Bible Art Journaling Challenge
Now, let me talk with you about the Bible Art Journaling Challenge. And, if you’re being sneaky and have skipped down to this section to read this first… I forgive your excitement, but please promise me you’ll read what is above. I’d like to take you on a journey with me and this is only part of the picture.
This year the Bible Art Journaling Challenge has exceeded ALL expectations. I am excited to report that people have found Jesus and come into relationship with Him, for both the first time and as a renewed commitment. Is there any greater miracle? Others have explained what can only be described as deliverance experiences, as old oppressions have lifted off of them. Others have reported physical healing, while even more have shared of emotional healing. Praise God! I began this project in hopes it would enrich your connection with God and support your spiritual growth in a creative and beautiful way. And, there have been a lot of reports of that happening, which fills me with gratitude to be part of your journey in some small way. Thank you for letting me into your life! What an honor.
If you have participated in the Bible Art Journaling Challenge, I’d love to hear testimony of any impact on you, your friends and family. What have you loved and what could have been even better? What has it looked like for you and how have you used it?
If you joined me later in the year or have not had time to participate in all (or any!), of the Bible Art Journaling Challenges which have been released, I think you’ll be happy to hear how I’ve got it set up. I designed it to stand the test of time and be relevant whenever someone may want to join me. All that is needed to consider yourself a participant, is to create using one of the scriptures associated to any week. There is no requirement to use the same art supplies or techniques I share. They are simply as a learning tool for those interested. You can find answers to most any question you may have, on the Bible Art Journaling Challenge page. It also has a full archive! Be sure to head over to our Facebook group and/or Google+ Community, to join and share any week you participate in, at any point. Are you one of those who will be starting in January to go through 2016 weekly, starting with week 1? There are several who plan to!
And what about next year? How will the Bible Art Journaling Challenge look moving forward? Many of you have said that you want to go back and try to do challenges you have missed, or just want to start from the beginning. I want to give everyone a chance to catch up with me in 2016. Instead of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge being weekly again next year, they will be on the 1st Thursday of each month. This will give you time to go back and enjoy the full archive of challenges, which will remain available for free on my blog, and it will give me needed time to invest in a wider range of what I can offer you. This may come as a disappointment to you that I’ll not be providing these weekly. I can only hope you’ll keep in mind the excitement of what this will allow me to offer you, with the free time I’ll have available to me! I cannot express my excitement well enough in words here! I also have it on good authority that my super supportive husband is pretty excited to see a bit more of me next year! 😉
So what does all this mean in practicality?
Starting in January 2016, you can expect a new free Bible Art Journaling Challenge each 1st Thursday of the month, all year long. The first year of weekly Bible Art Journaling Challenges will remain free and available on my blog. You’ll always find the full archive, on my Bible Art Journaling Challenge page.
Starting in March 2016, each 3rd Thursday of the month, I will share a tutorial and teaching on my blog and YouTube channel, to invest in your prophetic arts growth.
During January and February, I will feel a little “missing in action” as I work super hard on the first couple of art courses I’ll be releasing. I promise it’ll be worth it and I’m so excited to share them with you! To feel more connected, I’d encourage you to be sure to follow me on social media, (YouTube – Facebook – Instagram), where I’ll be sharing as the fun unfolds. In January, I will be releasing my Giant Art & Craft Supply Haul video… all 217 items! So, be watching out for that. 🙂
As I sit here, Christmas Eve is tomorrow, there is 1 Tuesday left in 2015 and I have 3 Bible Art Journaling Challenges to share still. While I will just have to see how things work as I seek to balance family life, holiday time and creating… I am sure you can see why it would be useful for me to finish all of the challenges before the year is finished. I’ve got lots of exciting projects next month which need my attention. You may see more emails from me as the year ends, than is usual, while I work to share what I can in these remaining days of the year and balance that with Christmas and New Year. I am excited to finish this year and move ahead with a new one!
Because of the shift in how my schedule will look next year, I’ll be writing some extra blog posts now and then, simply to share my heart on various spiritual matters, as has been requested. I have several other things coming which I am excited to share with you, as the time is right in the coming months.
So, what do you think? I want to hear from you in the comments! Your feedback is important and valued. What are you most excited for me to do next year? What do you want from me? What sort of art course would you love for me to create? And, how has the Bible Art Journaling Challenge impacted your life this year? Will you be joining me in 2016? I sure hope so!
As I finish, I want to share with you, a short Christmas film by the church my husband and I call home when in America. Baby Jesus in the film is actually our friends baby boy. 🙂 I hope and pray you are filled with an abundance of God’s love, generosity and presence, as you remember His birth at this time. Merry Christmas!
You are loved. x
Dec 23, 2015 @ 9:38 pm
I discovered bible journaling and your 2015 challenge late in the year (end of November) and I haven’t really had time to do any of the challenges so I’m planning on going through them in 2016. I have watched a few of the videos here and there because I wanted to learn more about a specific technique and they have been so helpful! Thanks so much for making and sharing them! I know making videos takes a looooot of time and effort and I really appreciate it.
Can’t wait to see what new things you have for us in 2016! Merry Christmas.
Dec 23, 2015 @ 9:51 pm
I so think you are on the right track and I will be doing my very best to join you as often as I can. I would love to know more about prepping a page etc. Yes, yes, yes, your knowledge is valued and I for one would love to check out as much of it as I can. I feel so blessed to have found you and your ministry. I’ve taken my bible to church a couple times and people are interested in what I am doing. I have not have the privilege of leading anyone to the Lord through this form of ministry, but even if I never do, I have been most edified. I love your heart.
Dec 23, 2015 @ 10:30 pm
I can only imagine how much work you do and I think once a month is a good move for the Bible challenge. Bless you! and thanks for sharing yourself.
Dec 23, 2015 @ 10:39 pm
It all sounds very exciting.
Dec 23, 2015 @ 10:48 pm
I found your challenge in April while searching for ways to incorporate my faith and art. It’s been an amazing blessing!! He’s used it to my encouragement and I’ve had many opportunities to share the challenge & my faith with others. I even combined most of my illustrations into my final project for painting class this past semester.
I think what you have planned sounds exciting and changing things to better fit your needs/wants is important.
I plan to continue the weekly challenges this next year and hope they will help me stay connected to God while student teaching(art teacher- ?) in the spring and whatever else the future will hold. Plus my church is offering this as an option for Bible study and I’ll be the contact person.
Thanks again for doing this. It’s been a great help to me personally.
Dec 23, 2015 @ 11:05 pm
Thank you Rebekah for all you’ve done for us!! I will miss not having the challenge each week, I have been following from the beginning and was so excited to find you!! You have given me the courage and the desire to move forward and study and create on my own. The challenge and meeting you have been such a blessing! I look forward to seeing where God is taking you to teach and encourage us. Merry Christmas!! ❤️
Dec 23, 2015 @ 11:24 pm
Looking forward to 2016 and all you have in your heart for us…excited to see the art courses you will offer and I would be interested in seeing watercolors on canvas, prepping and layering of colors. Thank you Rebekah for giving of yourself so freely. Christmas blessings to you & your family!!
Dec 23, 2015 @ 11:30 pm
Rebekah, you have blessed so many lives with your Bible Art Journaling Challenge as proven by the comments after each one. You have shared openly & honestly your love for our Savior, your artistic gifts, & your heart for people. Wishing you & your family a blessed and joyous Christmas. (I am heading to your patron page to make a donation.) Thank you so much for your huge heart.
Dec 24, 2015 @ 12:55 am
Thank you for this lady yest! I look forward to 2016! I think you classes will be great and you are starting where we need! The video was wonderful too! Merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 2015 @ 12:57 am
Thank you for all you do. I applaud you for listening to the Holy Spirit and your husband as we go into 2016. I love your tutorials but am more excited about your divotionals. I refer others wanting to learn about Bible Journaling because of the devotionals. Liky you, I want others to be focused on Jesus and growing closer to Him and letting the art flow from that relationship. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
Can’t wait for ALL the new stuff coming in 2016!
Dec 24, 2015 @ 12:58 am
I have so enjoyed your work. Thank you. This may seem silly, but I need help with which scripture to study, I have the art journaling part, though I love to see your creative ways of interpreting the Word. If, maybe on the first Thursday, you could suggest additional scripture to further our studies for the remainder of the month. Well, that would be awesome.
I so appreciate the time and energy that you put into helping me with my journey. Thank you and God bless.
Dec 24, 2015 @ 1:54 am
Sounds like 2016 will be a wonderful year for all of us! I am familiar with the prophetic arts, including dance, and am looking forward to learning more. I only discover ed bible art journaling in September, and am getting my bible next week! Although I’ve watched many of the videos, I look forward to starting at the beginning, and now it seems I will hopefully be able,to keep up with 2016 at the same time! How exciting! I am in a period of trying to renew my relationship with Christ, and go deeper than ever before. I am sure everything I learn here,will help me with that. Thank you so much for listening to Him, and following what He has laid on your heart!
Dec 24, 2015 @ 4:41 am
I found the Bible Art Journaling Challenge around March of 2015 and loved the idea, but found the weekly challenges to be intimidating due to my crazy schedule and I ended up only doing a few here or there when I had time. I always planned on going back and catching up, but then I could never decide which ones to do since I’m indecisive. I am actually really excited that you will be doing them monthly now, as that is something that I can commit to doing! Also, props to you for taking time for your family, you and your husband deserve time together 🙂 Thanks for all you do for the Kingdom!
Dec 24, 2015 @ 7:20 am
How exciting Rebekah! We certainly are the blessed recipients of your hard work and dedication to your ministry. Can’t wait to dive into all that you have to teach us!!! Thank you for all that you are doing to make this a wonderful God honoring creative ministry.
Dec 24, 2015 @ 8:03 am
I’m super excited about it all! I discovered Bible Art Journaling in the Summer, but wasn’t about to get started on anything until the Fall, due to an illness & surgery. All of the pages that I have done have all been my own or inspired by others. I am looking forward to actually going back & doing your challenges in 2016! I can’t wait to see all that the Lord does through you in 2016!
Dec 24, 2015 @ 9:23 am
I found your site in February during my recovery from neck surgery and have followed you all year, trying several of the challenges. Thank you for your love in Christ and sharing your testimony and talents each week.
I am so happy for your success and look forward to 2016 and all the wonderful ideas you have to come.
Thank you again for your faith and time.
Have a Joyous Christmas and Blessings for the New Year.
Dec 24, 2015 @ 12:07 pm
You are just what I have been searching for and didn’t even know it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so excited to begin this journey!
Dec 24, 2015 @ 12:13 pm
Merry Christmas Rebekah! Your new year sounds exciting and fun!
I love the fact that the bible journaling series is still moving forward in 2016. I discovered you about four months ago, so one per month works for me. I have so many to catch up on from last year!!
Your sweet spirit, love for art, and LOVE for Jesus is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing all of this with the world. It was such an eye opener for me to discover that my passion for creating art AND my passion for Jesus could be combined!! (lightbulb~WOW) I love how the Lord lead me to discover a new FUN way to teach me deeper about Him. How cool is our Lord to use the gifts he gave us to grow our understanding of Him. Man I Love that Guy!! 🙂
Can’t wait to get the art courses. I am looking forward to your lesson on on color you wrote about recently. I always get stuck on which color combinations or schemes. I love just coping yours, but it would be helpful to really get an understanding to further my own creative journey.
Much sucess to you in 2016, I will continue to support you and pray for you this coming year and know that you are LOVED much from Texas!!
Blessings always,
Dec 24, 2015 @ 1:45 pm
Rebekah, I’m so happy for you and what is coming in the new year! And I’m excited for me and what I’ll be learning and experiencing as I go deeper in Lord through art. Love that the Art Journaling Challenges will be monthly; that gives me time to work them into my schedule and catch up on some of the 2015 challenges. I am especially looking forward to the art courses you’ll be offering! This is an answer to my heart’s desire. And I’m curious about what you’ll be doing on I’m not a ‘scrapbooker’ but I will check it out.
Much love, joy, peace, and health to you and your husband in the coming year. ~~Mavi
Dec 24, 2015 @ 5:00 pm
Dear Rebekah~
There is little I can add to the heartfelt comments above. You, so young, such a witness to so many of us of your powerful faith. A blessing to each of us–the legacy from your grandmother and your mother. I know they are smiling down upon you.
Through your encouragement, I finally touched color to my journaling bible after two months of just looking at the waiting pages, collecting far too many colored pencils and gel pens and securing several good erasers! I “colored” Psalm 150 with drawings of ancient Hebrew instruments named in the Psalm. The creating time is sacred, full of prayerful attention, and I find myself humming hymns from my childhood as I color both in and out of the lines. I cannot thank you enough for being you and the blessings you have brought to my life. After I have completed more pages, I have been blessed to get to share with a youth group in our small community.
I do not know enough to even know what to ask for in your upcoming art tutorials, but I will be in line to sign up for whatever you offer us.
I am praising God for your ministry. Another Texan sends you wishes of a blessed Christmas. susen
Dec 24, 2015 @ 8:41 pm
I started viewing your website late in the year. I love everything about it and all the work that you share with us. I am at a point in my life that I don’t do the challenges with the same materials. However I’m glad to say that your kindness and allowing me to view the beautiful art work on the site has deepened my relationship with my Savior and developed in me a hunger for more of the Word. As I sit and meditate on the challenges many things have been revealed to be regarding my walk with Jesus. Thank you so much for your time and effort in the spreading of the message of Jesus. I will keep you in prayer daily.
Dec 24, 2015 @ 10:43 pm
I think everything you just wrote sounds great!! so excited to what is coming! love you, merry christmas!! xo
Dec 25, 2015 @ 6:32 am
I came across bible journaling in the summer of 2015. And immidiate when I saw it I knew the Lord was telling me I should start too! First I started in a journal, but really want it to do it in a bible. God provided me with a wonderfull second hand journal bible in dutch, wich are difficult to find.
I want to thank you for your inspirational video’s and your tutorials you posted every week! Even though I don’t follow the challenge by week, I really enjoy your video’s and use the techniques you show, on my own journey with the Lord.
This journey has filled me with so much love and joy, and I’ve grown closer to Jesus this past year!
I’m super excited to see all the new things you will bring to us next year!
May the Lord bless you more abundently this year, as you continue to grow deeper in Him and follow His direction in touching all the lives of all the people who follow your blogs.
Bless you!
Dec 25, 2015 @ 4:08 pm
Getting sick with double pneumonia 3 weeks ago, spending 1 week in the hospital with oxygen, and not coming home until yesterday with full time oxygen has put a total different thought to 2016. When others talk about a fresh start coming with a new year don’t know the half of it but I really do. It will be a new and beautiful year a following you will be a bigpart of that new. Thank you for all you have done. May God bless you and keep you safe & well.
Dec 26, 2015 @ 9:09 pm
I discovered your Bible Art Challenge in November, and have watched everyone of your Challenge videos. I finally visited your blog for the first time today. I am a burned-out college prof in Bentonville, Arkansas, USA, and God has used you to keep me going during this very difficult semester. God willing, I will be actively following you in 2016.
Dec 27, 2015 @ 10:09 pm
I found your site from – was interested in Bible Art Journaling. I haven’t created anything yet, and would love to be a part of 2016. Sounds like you’ve prayed – a lot – and your plan sounds complete, blessing all.
I really appreciate all the freebees, but also believe that a workman is worthy of his hire.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Jan
Dec 28, 2015 @ 8:46 am
I’ve only just discovered your site, and in fact Bible journalling in general! I’m excited to join you at this exciting time in your journey, and can’t wait to see where this jounralling process takes me.
Dec 28, 2015 @ 12:34 pm
Thankyou for all you’ve given to us this year Rebekah, it has been such a blessing! ? I’m sure you have lots of offers, but if you ever need any help, then please, just ask! I don’t work atm and want to help whoever I can, whenever I can ? all the very best of everything that the New Year has to offer you xx
Dec 28, 2015 @ 8:34 pm
I met you (fb) in your prophetic arts for Jesus page, and started your challenge Jan of 2015 the very first one! I did almost every one of them. I have been so blessed by you and feel like I really know you. Its been a really rich journey so far and look forward to this next year. I think its wonderful that you are offering classes this coming year. I would gladly pay you to teach me. If I do not have the funds on me I will save. Thank you so much for offering your self to the Lord. IM SOOOO EXCITED about the shift happening in 2016!
Dec 28, 2015 @ 10:21 pm
Oh my! God is good! Moving in the prophetic arts has been on my heart almost 20 years now…I had did different things, more in the direction of flags and Tambourine but I had been told in the 90’s, I would one day be drawing (a Sara laugh) and with my family, home, job and all, I lost sight of this calling. I came across your page after receiving an adult coloring book in October and a friend at church telling me about the “Bible Challenge” I googled and found you and am now so excited that for 2016 you are going towards the prophetic. I did a little, doodle about the Advent, that is all so far. Your 2016 plan really touched my heart, words can’t express. I’m also anticipating what God will reveal for me as I have null art training! ❤️ Thanks for listening to God’s heart! Lotsa love, signed Bama Girl in Germany ❤️
Dec 30, 2015 @ 2:48 pm
I just found you! I’m so glad I did. I would love to start your bible challenge. Do you use a specific bible? I really don’t think the one I have is suitable for this. I will start with January since I just found you! Thank you for adding me to the group!
Dec 30, 2015 @ 6:29 pm
Rebekah, I love what you are doing with this ministry! It looks so amazing! The only things are that I hesitate to commit to a whole year, and I am afraid of ruining my Bible with the watercolors 😉
Thank you for making this site! I may return another time for the Bible Journaling Challenge, that looks like fun! 🙂 God bless <3
Jan 1, 2016 @ 11:07 am
As someone whose just discovered you, I’m excited about going through your 2015 Bible challenge while joining in on what’s to come in 2016. I think you’re right on track with technique videos and I’m excited to connect with my Bible and God in a way that feels more naturally to me, via creativity. I’ve watched many of your videos and truly enjoyed listening to you talk about each Bible verse; your style makes sense to me and it’s such a delight to experience those clicks of understanding! Thank you for ALL that you do! May God bless you infinitely in the coming years.
Jan 5, 2016 @ 4:58 pm
Rebekah, you are truly an amazing woman of God. First of all, it is obvious you ARE CALLED to this ministry. As popular and overwhelming as it has become, you could not have continued and sustained yourself in your own strength. Truly, your strength has come from Him. He has blessed you with wisdom and knowledge of how to go forth and not walk away as so many do unto their callings. You are a walking testimony to His healing power as well as His endless love. We as a community can never thank you enough. I believe it is God pouring His heart out to the world that He loves each and everyone of us and is calling us to be His bride. With that said, I did fall behind in 2015. For myself, I couldn’t keep up with a challenge a week. I believe I can do better with a once a month challenge and plan to continue on with you. I love you with all my heart in Christ, beloved sister. May you go forward on this journey filled with peace, love and joy. God bless you and your family.
Jan 7, 2016 @ 5:26 am
The videos online have options for other languages? I’m from Brazil and unfortunately this art and bibles translated into art journaling not come here. I hope that the courses have this option. Hugs, grace and peace.
Jan 7, 2016 @ 11:35 am
I am excited about your plans! I have been hoping to start bible art journaling, but it has not worked out…yet! I look forward to your classes! I have no background in art so I need all the help I can get! ??
Jan 8, 2016 @ 7:00 pm
May God Bless you in all your work, I am so excited about courses.
Please could you share any thing you use that can be purchased in the UK.
Any thing you buy local as I will be home in Somerset in february.
Jan 10, 2016 @ 4:49 pm
I discovered your YouTube films later in 2015. I have been encouraged to use art in my bible ….never thought of it before! I have done art journaling but never in a bible. I would love to share this with others and will tell other people about your blog and films. Looking forward to 2016.
Jan 17, 2016 @ 10:05 pm
online art classes …..great!!! I never want to stop learning techniques!!
Thank you for sharing your talents and presentation of the gospel!
Jan 25, 2016 @ 11:12 pm
I have just started this bible journaling endeavor in Jan 2016. We are wanting to introduce this element of worship to one our ladies Bible Study classe. Thank you for the wonderful tutorials, inspiration, and worship experience. You are a gifted teacher, as well as artist. Looking forward to see what else God is leading you to share and teach.
Jan 28, 2016 @ 1:37 am
I’m so excited about the art classes. My children will be too!
Jan 28, 2016 @ 6:04 am
There is so much I want to say but I won’t bore you with a lengthy post. However, I will tell you that I am a very busy pastor’s wife, mother of 3 (4 really as I certainly count my wonderful son-in-law), nana to 2 (and one on the way), and full time caregiver to my aging parents and step-mother, all of whom have catastrophic illness that could very well mean I will lose them all to heaven’s gates in 2016. I do not have an ounce of creativity in my body, but I am a master of Internet and social media search engines. I NEEDED to find you and the many others who creatively journal. My soul was so very thirsty. I am figuring this creative stuff out (Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and etsy are helping) and I hope to be one who can post a beautifully designed scripture in the near future. I read the whole post and I’m eager to follow each and every project that I possibly can. Thank you for loving God and loving people! I hope you are richly blessed in 2016!