The Beginning Bible Art Journaling Challenge Lesson 5

Hello Everyone! Welcome to lesson 5 of The Beginning! Throughout this series of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge, we’re looking at key scriptures to understand the Bible story, while focusing on a select few supplies which any beginner can gain confidence with. If you feel less like a beginner, you’ll enjoy all the refreshers and some new insights. In lesson 5 we’re moving on to a pentecost study, when Holy Spirit was given! This marked a moment in history that literally changed everything. I’m excited to study this with you! We’ll grab our colored pencils (just black to be precise), and some Inktense for this challenge.
If you’re just finding The Beginning, I encourage you to start with Lesson 1, as this 6 lesson series is in a particular order for you to get the most out of our time together. Let’s buckle up for some creative fun as we study more of the Bible story together!