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Hello Everyone!
Welcome to week 10 of the 2015 Bible Art Journaling Challenge!
This week I wanted to do a bit of basic hand lettering in my Bible and also demonstrate that you really don’t need lots of skills or experience to give it a try. Additionally, this Note-Taker’s Bible I create in, has a page margin that is 1.5 inch (3.5 cm) in width. This is plenty wide but I think many have believed, you simply cannot do hand lettering in this particular Bible, because the space may limit fitting words in to the margin width available. I hope I have proved here that with a little planning, you can fit your words in that space. I hope you’ll enjoy today!
Before you dive in to this weeks challenge, I want to quickly remind you that if you ever want to find the archive of any of my previous challenges, you just need to remember two simple things and you can find your way to it easily! Firstly, remember my name. Rebekah Ruth Jones. I spell Rebekah like it is spelled in the Bible. Just go to your internet browser and type in my name (plus .com) using my middle initial… www.RebekahRJones.com Secondly, just have at look at the top navigation on my site and you’ll find the word “Challenge” right there. Click on that and you’ll find everything you need to know about the challenge including a full archive and recommended Bibles and starter supplies. 🙂
I want to mention one more thing. I have improved the Search Blog By Category functionality in the right sidebar of my website so you can now more easily find previous tutorials, by type of creative process, as well as other categories of interest. I hope you’ll find this helpful in finding your way around my website.
Without further delay… enjoy my video below and then [click to continue…]
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to another week of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge!
I consider myself so blessed to be able to have so many of you joining me on this wonderful journey of going deeper with God through creativity.
This week I really wanted to break my Bible in a bit. Do something creatively with it which would finally make it feel like I wasn’t making another person’s book beautiful. Like, it was too precious to mess up and be real with. I wanted to OWN that book for myself and feel it has finally made home with me. As requested, I used Gelatos. I decided to hold nothing back and go a bit wild in the art studio and I think you’ll either love it or freak out! ha ha Watch my video below and then [click to continue…]
I am honored to lead the worlds largest online community of creatives, hungry to spread the love of Jesus through the arts. There are tens of thousands of members, representing at least 60 worldwide countries in the Prophetic Arts for Jesus facebook group. We have grown a lot both in size and beauty, since I founded the group in late January of 2008.
With a name like Prophetic Arts for Jesus, as the title of our creative community, the subject of prophecy is a key topic which underpins who we are as a group of individuals. With so many countless people who call themselves a follower of Jesus, there are bound to be many understandings of what prophecy is, or should look like in action. All the more complex in a creative setting! So, how do we as a diverse body of people, come under the same roof in our creative community, and live out this key topic with a sense of unity? And just WHAT should [click to continue…]
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to week 7 of the 2015 Bible Art Journaling Challenge!
I want to remind you and let those of you who are new to me know, that this challenge is super relaxed and all about your creative journey with God. Please join in wherever you like! Don’t feel pressure to go back and complete previous weeks. Anyone can join and any point in the year! Just have fun with this and if you want to do previous challenges, you have your whole life to do so! 🙂
This week I was recovering from a nasty flu bug of some sort, which meant I had less time for creating. This Bible page turned out to be one of my favorites I’ve created on so far, proving that limited time does not have to hinder creativity. I was busy resting most of last week and enjoyed creating once feeling better. I am not a fan of cold winter weather. Do you blame me? I used to live in California. Brr! Bring on summer already! Thankfully I am feeling much better and well on my way to full health again! Bring on more creativity!
Last week we covered 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, talking about what our love for each other is defined as in the Bible. I had been looking forward to creating on this weeks Bible page. It is a special verse to me. Watch my video below and then [click to continue…]
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to week 6 of the 2015 Bible Art Journaling Challenge!
This week I dove in to a very fun and completely different type of creativity than previous weeks. I think you’re going to love it! If you’ve felt intimidated by previous weeks or afraid to start, this is your week!
Last week we covered John 3:16, talking about how God loved us first. About His love for us. This week, I wanted to move on to what our love for each other is defined as in the Bible. What IS love and how DO we do this thing while on a life journey that clearly does not start with perfection? How do we love each other well and not expect more out of ourselves than our very best in whatever season we find ourselves? Watch my video below and then [click to continue…]
I was pondering something about my life today and pondering love.
When I was younger, I had a fairly “pretty” speaking voice. When I was 14, I took on a job care-taking and cleaning for a rather grumpy and bitter old woman next door to our farm. Her son hired me to give her a “last bit of independence”.
I could see the good in her but for months she was determined to prove to me she did not care for me at all. I was a stubborn teenager and determined to share God’s love with her in demonstration, for as long as it might take her to let me in. Meanwhile, she stubbornly pushed against my love, shouting grumpy complaints of my “lack of capable skill” to do such things as vacuum until the carpet was no more. She would intentionally blow thick cigarette smoke in my face while [click to continue…]
UPDATED: December 5, 2017
Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 4 of the Original Bible Art Journaling Challenge! The popularity of this challenge has taken me quite by surprise, with over 700 members in our Facebook group as we finished lesson 3! Thank you to those of you who have paid an interest or joined in. I am thankful to do what I love for a living and am grateful to those of you who support me so I am able to continue. If you’re new, don’t worry about doing previous weeks unless you want. Jump right in where we are!
Enjoy my video below and then [click to continue…]
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