Prophecy And The Creative Community
I am honored to lead the worlds largest online community of creatives, hungry to spread the love of Jesus through the arts. There are tens of thousands of members, representing at least 60 worldwide countries in the Prophetic Arts for Jesus facebook group. We have grown a lot both in size and beauty, since I founded the group in late January of 2008.
With a name like Prophetic Arts for Jesus, as the title of our creative community, the subject of prophecy is a key topic which underpins who we are as a group of individuals. With so many countless people who call themselves a follower of Jesus, there are bound to be many understandings of what prophecy is, or should look like in action. All the more complex in a creative setting! So, how do we as a diverse body of people, come under the same roof in our creative community, and live out this key topic with a sense of unity? And just WHAT should prophecy be defined as for our group and, (dare I say), the wider creative community of Christians in our world today? Please stick with me. I ask everyone who is a member of my group, to read this and I hope others reading this post will find my thoughts helpful as you navigate this topic in your own life and community.
Firstly, you might be wondering how someone can prophesy using creativity, when on the surface, the Bible seems to only talk about prophecy as though it were a gift used with words! It’s an important thing to understand considering we are talking about prophecy in the context of a creative community of people. These days, God is doing a lot in the creative hearts of people in His Family around the world. He is teaching us how to use creativity to encourage the Body of Christ and draw people to Himself and even showing us examples of it in scripture. Creativity is proving to be a mighty Kingdom tool in the hands of creative Believers. People are taking Biblical instruction for prophecy and learning how to use it for God in creative ways. If you want to learn more about this, I recommend the book, Born To Create by Theresa Dedmon which is able to give more thorough attention to this wonderful topic.
Before I talk anymore about the connection between prophecy and creativity, let me turn to talk about prophecy itself. As a former children and youth ministry leader, I have yet to come across a better children’s curriculum covering the subject of prophecy, than the ABCD’s of Prophecy by Seth Dahl. This short curriculum was designed to equip and activate children (aged 4-10), in the gift of prophecy. I had the honor of going to ministry school with Seth and his gift with children is amazing. I feel like his very simple explanation of prophecy is something we can all grab hold of with ease.
I want to quote Seth from the teaching manual of his curriculum as he makes this seemingly complex matter, something young children can grasp.
In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul says to, “pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.” Later Paul also says, “You may all prophesy, one by one.” God wants the church to operate in this gift so much that He is willing to give prophecy to anyone who desires it. Because prophecy is a gift of the Spirit, not a reward, the ability to hear God speak to us for another person is not based on our behavior. It is His gift to us because of His goodness, not ours.
The reason He wants us to have this gift is because of what prophecy does. Look at what it says in 1 Corinthians 14:3, “He who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.” These lessons will teach your children that edification is “to build up,” exhortation is “to cheer up,” and comfort is “to draw near.” This is what the gift of prophecy will always do.
Seth believes that one of the outcomes of the curriculum, is that children who are taught it will, “know that when they tell people what [God] says, those people will be built up, cheered up, and drawn near to Him.” I have seen this to be true about the gift of prophecy when it is pure in action. I believe that 1 Corinthians 14 is telling us, as Seth said, that the gift of prophecy should always build people up, encourage them and help them be drawn closer to God.
I feel that prophecy at its heart, simply breathes life into people. It tells people of the great exploits God dreams of for them and of the truly deep love He has for them. Everyone has gold deep within them. We are created beautifully. Prophecy calls out the gold in us. It calls us to be the greatest version of ourselves.
I have learned from many on the topic of prophetic ministry and the best I have ever learned from is Kris Vallotton. He wrote a manual called Basic Training for Prophetic Ministry, which I highly recommend. I’d encourage you to learn from Kris if you’d like a more full understanding of where I come from on this vast topic, but especially if you wish to learn more about prophetic ministry for yourself.
I understand some may feel prophecy can be a correctional tool in some instances. Especially when looking at that word “exhortation”. Traditionally, in modern Church history, we have often seen how people have been “exhorted” in a correctional manner. I have seen it myself countless times. 1 Corinthians 14:3 says, “He who prophesies speaks edification AND exhortation AND comfort to men.” We should find these existing alongside one another. If people are not feeling edified and comforted when they have been exhorted, something is wrong. I believe some can be drawn near to God when they feel the conviction of Holy Spirit. I also believe it is our job to encourage and build people up and it is God’s job to work out how to draw them to Himself. We cannot and should not try to be the Holy Spirit in anyone’s life. Nor should we use prophecy as a tool to judge people, thinking we are “loving them into the Kingdom”. I would go so far as to say, that could be classed as spiritual abuse.
I love people so deeply and I am happy to trust God that if I love people with judgement-free open arms, God is more than capable of drawing them to Himself, at the pace He knows is best for the journey they are on. We see in part, but God sees it all. I’d rather leave judging to Him and just love people into the Kingdom. Besides, anyone who can be argued IN to the Kingdom, can also be argued OUT of it. It is far better we help people encounter the great love God has for them, which began before they were ever born. Prophecy can be a wonderful tool to love people by building them up and encouraging them, which ultimately helps them see all the love God’s heart gushes with for them. A result can be hearts more able to embrace healthy spiritual balance moving forward. We want freedom for people and prophecy from the same heart of love that God lavished us with, is what’s needed for breakthrough.
I recognize love sometimes has boundaries to help people be safe. That is different than ruling with an iron fist, or having a heart to correct what we don’t like in another human being. This is about a condition of heart toward those we prophesy over. It should be gushing with love and compassion from above. I am not here to debate theology or doctrine, nor do I invite that to take place. There are other places for that. After years of Bible college, ministry school, discipleship school and personal study, I feel settled in my thoughts on this topic. I want you to understand what I believe should guide a creative community focused on prophetic ministry and how I guide the Prophetic Arts for Jesus community. A positive space where people feel safe to grow and encounter God deeply, is at the core of my heart for the creative community I lead. I know people will not get it right at times, because we all do. And, we can have hard discussions with honor and respect fully intact. I believe people mature faster, in the safety of a place where they do not feel judged or discouraged by others while trying to flap their wings.
Prophecy can be paired with creativity beautifully, through many forms of art which can speak to people in ways which simple words could not communicate as effectively. Paintings can convey a prophetic message of God’s great love for an individual, how His heart breaks for the pain they’ve endured, or how He views them as great, even in their broken season. Worship instruments and song sheets can gush with music that calls out the greatness people have lost somewhere along the way. Poems can help people identify with a greater sense of the purpose God has for them. The list goes on, and on, and on… Creativity is a tool which God loves to use when wanting to breathe life into people as individuals, or even corporately.
So to ask the question again, how do we as a diverse body of people, come under the same roof in our creative community, and live out this key topic with a sense of unity? We can define prophecy and how it looks in action, many different ways depending on our spiritual background.
We must focus on what we can agree on and leave aside what we know would bring dissension. What we can agree on is that everyone needs to be built up and encouraged. And, everyone needs to be drawn to God. We can also agree that creativity can have a part in helping people be built up, encouraged and drawn to Him. As creative Believers, we should aim to do just that.
In writing this blog post, I was reminded of a past season of my life when I was a Director of Education at a pregnancy care center. I led the community effort to reach teens in churches, schools and prisons alike, with the message of remaining sexually pure. We had incredible success with thousands of lives, which was an honor to lead. Part of my role involved working with and bringing together, leaders of churches from countless denominations and backgrounds, across three counties. Regardless of their backgrounds or disagreements about how the Christian life should be walked out, they could agree that young people should save themselves for their marriage partner and as leaders, we could help them navigate this sometimes tricky path.
Leaders would often comment to me how they would “not normally like to be in the same room with ‘so-and-so’ because of some differing perspectives, but this was for a good cause, so it could be tolerated”… This type of comment was commonly received by me at the time and I watched as hurt people, bravely put their differences aside to advance the Kingdom and impact lives. Some of those differing perspectives or deep rifts between people, were complex and painful. We have all found some relationships to be tricky to navigate at times, but we all work hard to overcome those difficulties with God’s grace behind us in the process. I grew to understand that if we focus on what we CAN agree on, our disagreements have less power over us as a community of people. We can be the unified Body of Christ while still remaining true to what convictions and perspectives we find non-negotiable. I often pray this be true of the creative community I lead and have found it thus far, to be the case with our beautiful group of people.
Some in the Prophetic Arts for Jesus community may have a different perspective of prophecy to myself as the leader of it. I would be surprised if they didn’t with so many thousands of us there! But, those who join in to our group actively, know I expect us to embrace the goal of building up and encouraging others through the creativity and communication we share together. And, that it should all point people to Jesus and His great love for us. Keeping our group focus encouraging, uplifting and positive has been one of our greatest attributes as a community and will continue to be a core value of ours.
I am not afraid at all of people having a different opinion or life-view than myself. And, we are all at different stages and perspectives in our journey with art which is wonderful! I welcome it as it adds to the diversity of who we are as a community. But I do not tolerate negative or disrespectful behavior toward others, nor work that does not encourage others and point them to Jesus. I have always worked hard to cultivate a place where prophecy is used with creativity to build up and encourage people while helping them draw closer to God. If people are not wanting to do that, there are plenty of other communities which may suit them better. I hope everyone in the group can see the positive environment I have worked hard to develop and will continue to work with me to keep that positive space we know and love as a community.
Prophecy in the wider Christian creative community, is something we are all learning to navigate in this new season of Church history. As far as I am concerned, prophecy must build people up, encourage them and draw them to Jesus. Prophecy delivered in a creative manner, should follow these core values and together, we can create a safe place for people to encounter God, draw near to Him and become the very best version of themselves through edification and encouragement they receive.
Will you work with me to create this place of creativity in your local area so together we can form a safer place to grow in God as His wider Family? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
You are loved. x
Feb 18, 2015 @ 6:03 pm
I’m from South Africa. How could I get a “Journal Bible”
Antonnette du Toit
Feb 18, 2015 @ 6:25 pm
at this time in my walk with the church I belong to I am not being fed we have had a change of pastors n it’s been very difficult. I am not saying I won’t be supportive or am backing out of my participation in ministries just that there is a lack of connection. So in lieu of this I am finding the groups I belong to for my creative release and the online studies I am participating in are filling that void. I am very thankful to you for all the work you do in this area and to let you know your ministry is surely a blessing to me and I am sure thousands of others will agree.
jill wyckoff
Feb 18, 2015 @ 10:24 pm
Agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for putting it in words and thank you for this wonderful site to connect and encourage and express!
Mavi Nadeau
Feb 19, 2015 @ 4:17 am
Well said, Rebekah, well said! You’ve done an amazing job cultivating this wonderful group. It’s full of edification, loving exhortation, and much comfort. A very safe place for sensitive, creative, and prophetic people to flourish. Grace grace, Mavi
Feb 19, 2015 @ 6:35 pm
Thank you for writing this. I am excited to read that book. You have a gift for writing and God uses you so much!
Brenda C Manheim
Feb 20, 2015 @ 1:19 am
I believe you have said what is important about this community and how it is structured and needs to organized. Thank you for this explanation for all of us and may we all do God’s bidding when sharing with each other. The church and its members are to build up in unity to establish His kingdom here on earth. I am thankful that we can use our creativity here to do just that. Blessings on you.
Christine Rudd
Feb 26, 2015 @ 12:17 am
Thank you for this opportunity to be part of the wider church, one with another on our individual journeys. I love the respect, wisdom and love that you have in building this safe place for so many Christians to meet. I live in a small, rural area of Republic of Ireland, paint, write, poetry and started a book of my journey. I am 70 this year and am excited with what our God of love is teaching us. May He bless you richly for your love for Him and us.
Darlene Randolph
Apr 10, 2015 @ 5:42 pm
Thank you Rebekah * love and blessings
Rebekah R Jones
Apr 21, 2015 @ 10:06 am
Love to you Darlene!
Scott Allen
Jul 8, 2015 @ 6:15 pm
As others have said, “Well said” on your post. I write this in thanks and awareness that you have created a place were we can have the opportunity, that wonderful privilege, to get a peek into the inner lives of others and then have a place to speak back into the lives of the artists who take the time to let us into their lives. It’s an honor to be in this place.
Rebekah R Jones
Jul 8, 2015 @ 9:27 pm
Our community is richer for you being in our midst. Thanks for being a positive presence in our lives.
Kimberly Henry
Oct 13, 2015 @ 9:08 pm
It’s wonderful to be a part of an honoring creative movement ! I’m excited to be a part. I love your heart heart Rebeca! Keep up the great work.
Mar 25, 2018 @ 4:12 pm
Dear Rebekah,
I’ve translated and studied your words thoroughly once again and I love your heart. It makes me so happy to have found you and this group. I believe that it is God’s way for me to grow in my relationship with Him, but also to take the cause of art more seriously. It is a great adventure for me and I am already overwhelmed by the things I am experiencing at the moment. He says that I am his prophetic encourager. I say: But there is sooooo much to discover. Thank you so much that I can share your gifts and insights, experiences and abilities
Oct 15, 2015 @ 5:49 pm
How can we ever go wrong when we have Jesus at the core and we seek to love and encourage? Great post!
Maryjoy Kenderdine
Oct 23, 2015 @ 12:13 pm
Hi Rebekah, I just got connected to internet and got opened up to the world of pinterest! As a creative person i have been watching videos of how to. When i saw your post on bible journaling i had to go to your site. What a delight to read your bio. I live in Redding and attend Bethel church! I have recently been strongly pursuing my creative side by taking an art class at Shasta college and also art journaling and i help Gail w art sozo which is so powerful. I AM SO BLESSED TO JOIN YOUR FACEBOOK GROUP OF ENCOURAGERS. GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU IN HIS LOVING CARE! MARYJOY KENDERDINE
Megan Steinlage
Jan 6, 2016 @ 11:48 pm
Thank you for inviting me in. Ive felt for a long time now that God wanted to use my skill as an artist for His plan. Im trying really hard to create a space where he can create through me easily. Hopefully I can inspire others too. Im a painter by training. Thank you for allowing me to grow with your community!
Jan 7, 2016 @ 9:33 pm
Thank you so much Rebekah? Before the holiday school break in our Bible school, in one subject we discussed the Gift of the Spirit. Oh i love all the gifts indeed. Prophetic creativity under your guidance is the answer to my prayef. God is awesome and He answers when conversing with Him all the time.
Feb 2, 2016 @ 1:09 am
I truly love this group. Someone I know posted a picture and I followed the link to find this wonderful community. When I posted a couple of paintings and got feedback…I thought, “Ahhh, I’ve found my people!”
What you have shared regarding prophetic art is both easy to understand and a safety net. I so appreciate this “family” and your tender covering of it. Thank you so much for accepting me.
Donna Lee
Feb 3, 2016 @ 1:00 am
This is a great article. Thank you for the resources and all that you do here!
Mar 24, 2016 @ 2:31 am
Beautifully said!
Susan Burgess
Apr 13, 2016 @ 2:16 pm
Wow, am impressed with all that God has taught you along your journey Rebekah! My friend Julie sent me the link to this group. Love to make art and largely working often bring my focuses to God and what He might be teaching me or sometimes just fun stuff too! Recently visiting Uganda and bringing them an art studio to a children’s center has been a highlight of my life wanting to be used by the Lord with and through the gifts He has so graciously provided! God seems to be opening the doors for my return there and am excited to learn much from you and this group before leaving. I agree with all I have read so far, thank you for this ministry! Sanna(Susan Burgess)
Sallie Patterson
Apr 21, 2016 @ 3:19 am
What a blessing to find this site. I happened to be watching Youtube videos on Bible journaling and came across yours. What a surprise to find that this group exists. The Lord has been giving me dreams that I know I’m supposed to paint for a few years now. I haven’t known what to do with them except show them at my church. I’m looking forward to seeing what He has in mind to teach me through this group. I agree with all you wrote in your blog post. It is so refreshing and encouraging. Thank you. God is leading me to see how He wants to use the art He’s given me. Yay! Thank You, LORD.
Apr 21, 2016 @ 10:40 pm
Im from Costa Rica there is not something like Bible Journaling here asa I did know about it I realized i want to get more into it and I want to get more people to know about it definitely its one of the best ways Ive seen to spread God´s word and enjoy art. I want to learn everything I can about BJ and be able to share with my friends, I have not find a Bible to journal yet in here but I have already started making my journaling in a book and Im very happy about it and about people´s response to it! Thank you very much for all the inspirations and help Janet
stig Lofnes
May 16, 2016 @ 2:32 pm
I have no problems to agree with what you writes, or to submit to your leadership.
God bless you.
Stig Lofnes, Lords´Gallery.
Norway / South Africa
Sep 16, 2016 @ 11:31 pm
I am very encouraged reading this blog post on Prophecy and Creativity. I am going to order and read all of the suggested books. Being an artist and art teacher for over 18 years, I love seeing all the prophetic artworks on this FB page. I am currently creating a new body of artwork as the Holy Spirit guides me. As of today, I am on a 40 day/40 night spiritual journey that God dropped in my spirit this morning when I woke up. During this time, I will be drawing closer to God and creating an artwork a day, for the next 40 days. Blessings to you!! Creatively Yours, Jen Droske
Nov 3, 2016 @ 11:09 am
Hi Rebeka!
I agree totaly. Thank you for creating this place! Blessings!!!
Dagmar Wilhelm
Nov 4, 2016 @ 6:29 pm
Ich habe mit grosser Freude diese Seite gefunden. Wunderbar Gottes Herz ist so voll mit Liebe,dass er uns mit Kreativität beschenkt hat.Er freut sich ,wenn wir das wiedergeben,was er uns durch die Bilder sagen will.Dabei hat jeder eine andere Art zu malen.Mit Dankbarkeit bin ich hier mit dabei.
Nov 7, 2016 @ 7:58 pm
God recently used me more and more to prophecy into peoples lives and it not only edified and build them up. But hearing their testimonie that it is all they needed to hear.. Built me positively knowing that I still hear God’s voice so clearly. I am still new in the prophecy ministry…and a guided by die Holy Spirit through strange ways…to start using the talent by art to prophecy. Cant wait to stand in God’s service to serve the people with God’s word.
Donna Cook
Dec 15, 2016 @ 11:30 am
Reading this I feel I finally am at home. With my tribe/group. People that understand my language and I believe my root can deepen and grow freely now. Thank you.
Jan 14, 2017 @ 3:34 am
My name is Jackie and I am a new believer. Jesus is everything to me, He is there for me anytime I need Him, and that happens to be every second of everyday. Two years ago I took a 30 day bible challenge offered in an email I received. I started the challenge with an open heart, a teachable spirit and a strong desire to know the truth. I however didn’t realize I was gonna receive a spiritual heart transplant. Twenty five days into this challenge I noticed I was different, I had stopped using the Lords name as a curse word. This may seem so small but it was huge to me, considering it was effortless on my part. I fell to my knees, knowing He is ALL and He has the answers, He fixes us and without HIM the creator of all things we are lost, broken and scared of everything. I am not yet where I want to be but sure glad I am not where I used to be.
To be an imitator of our Lord Jesus Christ and with every new day become one step closer to loving as He has loved me. I would be honored to be a part of this community. God has led me to this community and I look forward to joining everyone soon.
Rebekah R Jones
Jan 14, 2017 @ 11:56 am
Congrats Jackie! What great news! Thank you for sharing. It will be lovely to have you in our community.
Cora Clampitt
Jan 30, 2017 @ 2:29 am
Thank you for honoring the spiritual push from the Holy Spirit in your own life. Now we can all benefit from your gifts. I will start by reading the book on prophecy. I have been a cardmaker, but am being pushed toward mixed media canvas works with messages. I never thought they might be prophetic. How exciting. Again, thank you. Cora Clampitt
Christina Klop
Mar 30, 2017 @ 12:56 pm
I agree, this is what I love to do and do.
It’s so good to go on this journey together with so many who have the same longing and the same One who we love.
All for Him, to show who He is and what He wants to tell us for this time, for His body, or for just one person!
Bless you, from the Netherlands
Apr 1, 2017 @ 6:52 pm
Therese L Kay
Apr 3, 2017 @ 12:44 am
I am very excited to have found this community and hope to become active in it. I recently read Theresa Dedmon’s book and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am eager to discover what God will do in and through me to touch other people for Christ!!
Corina Catron
Apr 3, 2017 @ 2:51 am
I am so excited to have found this group and can’t wait to see how God works. Thank you for accepting me with open arms. God has been igniting a passion for painting in my journey lately and I feel like this is His time to show Himself to others through me, I am your willing vessel Lord..
Katie Maktos
Sep 3, 2017 @ 4:24 pm
Rebekah I have been following your Bible journaling videos for a short time now and am half way through my first Creative Faith U course; Word Study for Bible Journaling. I experience Jeseus love when I hear you speak and I have been comforted by His Love during a difficult season of life which has me bound to my bed.
I’m not sure where He is leading me but I know I’m in the right place.
A verse I read this morning, “God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2cor:3b-4
I am comforted by your testimony and your ministry. Thank you.
Katie M
Oct 26, 2017 @ 9:09 pm
Glad to see what God has placed in my heart is coming to fruition. I have been taking your Bible class since getting a journal Bible for Mother’s Day and found my way to here upon starting to open up to the community around me in KY, USA. There is large group of creative people here in my area and I have been praying for unity and bringing it together for a wider purpose for two years. I am stepping out now and no longer “hiding” what has been burning in my heart. Blessings and can’t wait to start the breakthrough class in Nov.
Jennifer Corral Bull
Jan 1, 2018 @ 2:54 am
There is a great deal of information in this blog; it is wonderful! I appreciate your heart for others to grow in their relationship with God and each other, while expressing themselves through creativity. I would love to work with you in this place of creativity, so that together we, and others can grow in our understanding of God.
Jan 4, 2018 @ 3:45 am
I am looking forward to joining the Prophetic Arts community and participating in the new challenge. Thank you for this wonderful blog. I, too, would love for God to use me to build up and edify the Church through the gift of prophecy. May the Lord bless you, Rebekah.
Jan 12, 2018 @ 7:38 pm
Thank you Rebekah for your dedication to Our Lord and your amazing gift for teaching. I am eager to continually grow in spirituality which draws me closer to God and home!
Eileen Abe Mesias
Jan 26, 2018 @ 9:42 pm
Hi Rebekah!
Love what you are doing! I teach prophetic classes/teams at our church and a few prophetic art classes and workshops. My dream is bring creativity into my community to release healing and restoration. I am always looking for inspiration would love to be a part of your group.
Wendy R
Jan 30, 2018 @ 6:34 pm
Wow, thank you Jesus Christ for words of exhortation that brings YOU forward, up close and personal. May you be glorified in this community as Rebekah speaks Your truth in love as she walks with the Spirit of God teaching us all how to trust You through a creative prophetic process in Your Name as we bless others with Your presence. Help us Jesus to follow this example so that Your words will edify our images and written words so others may see Your mark on our lives and You more clearly. Help us to be patient with ourselves and others. Amen
Feb 28, 2018 @ 9:30 pm
Thank you, Rebekah! I can tell you’re a storyteller, too. : )
Mar 13, 2018 @ 7:34 pm
I understand all of what the community is all about. I do love the Word of God, and would love to learn more of bible journaling.
Thank u for this opportunity.
may God bless
Rhonda Alexander
Mar 20, 2018 @ 3:01 pm
I loved this! I agree wholeheartedly. I have seen prophecy bring out the spiritual good in people and set them free. Thank you for sharing this. It is very powerful.
Sanna(Susan) Burgess
Apr 26, 2018 @ 4:09 pm
Personally, I was raised and still told by family prophecy was used and is no longer. I disagree though. since seeing it in action. All my life God has given me dreams and a sort of knowledge about people around me, plus evangelism. Thye kind of go hand in hand . Learning more about prophecy even in this last year of my life span. Still want to understand it better, though some say I am a prophet, not sure it could even be completely true yet. The Holy Spirit is mighty and am giving the credit to Him, because I would not like to make a mistake and ever say something untrue. Still even to be like a new ager and spout words not from the Lord. Generally rule of thumb is if He tells me to say or do something I try my best to speak or act. Every now and again I am not sure if it’s HIM or me so I sort of back up a bit. Does this make any sense?
Coleen Barbara Woodard Amponsah
Apr 27, 2018 @ 11:26 pm
I’m amazed at all you took the time to put together here
And I find it not only encouraging but exciting
You have done a marvelous job
And I thank you
I appreciate all you have done
God bless you and all you put your hands to do
I agree with everything
Thanks again God bless
Coleen Barbara Woodard Amponsah
May 6, 2018 @ 9:48 pm
Praise God
I’m very thankful for you and how you are well seasoned
The heart you have for our Lord and for all people
As well as wanting to bring forth the gifts through others to help each other grow encourage and build up the body of Christ
The Lord raids above all I He wants us to be able to prophecy and teachers like you are so needed it is an awesome gift you have to lead many into God’s heart for people
I’m excited and look forward to be part of this for my growth as well as helping and building up so many people that need this
God bless you and for your time and everything you have sacrificed to bring this forth and especially for your love and obedience to Christ