In April 2011, we grew publicly quiet as a battle for my health raged and consumed our time. We’d watched for years as my health slowly and then suddenly very quickly declined with no medical answers.
Finally, in the Spring of 2011, we discovered a private health care professional who dealt with, “hard to solve cases”. They sent off for several lab tests and found my body was nearing an irrecoverable state and ordered me to bed. It was an easy order as I’d increasingly lived there in order to cope with pain and exhaustion. They’d found serious adrenal fatigue collapsing my body, two major parasites, a malfunctioning thyroid and another two long-term intense infections all causing my body to react in ways that scared my medical specialist significantly. There were a couple of additional conditions I was too ill to even be tested for, which they saw overwhelming evidence of in my body. They were unsure if I would ever regain full health but hoped their various strict orders would work toward giving me at least some quality of health. We took their orders seriously and having done all we could each day, we would cry out to God to do His part in healing my body.
We spent until early 2013 in a real battle of love to recover me as best was humanly possible. Our life was drastically upside down and focused on living itself. Our previous growing involvement in ministry life had [click to continue…]