Thoughts On Rest
Rest in modern Christian life has often been looked at as an old religious practice. And even some say resting leaves them feeling guilty because they believe every moment of their life must count for something in the Kingdom. It should, but please hear me out.
Some try to rest along the week with a bit of “guilt free” chill time in front of the tv or other such activities. But the bible says rest should refresh us and that it is disobedient to not take time to rest. If we do not rest properly, we find our productivity when we are “making every moment count” is actually hindered by our general weariness.
Please find what refreshes you and work it into your life so you may not live in disobedience to the Word and may make every moment properly count that you give into the Kingdom. Even your rest counts as worship to God in obedience to Him. In order to love your neighbor as yourself, you must love yourself equally.
“And He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while.’ (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.) They went away in the boat to a secluded place by themselves.”
– Mark 6:31-32
“For all who enter into God’s rest will find rest from their labors, just as God rested after creating the world. Let us do our best to enter that place of rest. For anyone who disobeys God, as the people of Israel did, will fall. For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are. Nothing in all creation can hide from him. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes. This is the God to whom we must explain all that we have done.” – Hebrews 4:10-13
Are you resting as much as you should? Don’t feel guilty about taking time out, it’s required.
You are loved,
Cathe' O
May 28, 2015 @ 4:42 am
Hi Rebekah,
I just discovered your website a couple days ago and I’m delighted by your ministry. When I went back and read this blog on “rest”, it was just what God has been encouraging me to do without guilt. Thank you for the scripture and uplifting words.
Sherry Schmidt
Jun 21, 2016 @ 1:10 am
I have learned something (about the Holy Spirit) from you today that I have been puzzling about for years. Your ministry has really gotten through to me. I started your Journalism Bible classes for the fun of art – but in your “sermons” you have really been teaching me! I am sending your information to my daughter and to others that I know. You are a great teacher! Thank you so much.