My Incredible Healing

In April 2011, we grew publicly quiet as a battle for my health raged and consumed our time. We’d watched for years as my health slowly and then suddenly very quickly declined with no medical answers.
Finally, in the Spring of 2011, we discovered a private health care professional who dealt with, “hard to solve cases”. They sent off for several lab tests and found my body was nearing an irrecoverable state and ordered me to bed. It was an easy order as I’d increasingly lived there in order to cope with pain and exhaustion. They’d found serious adrenal fatigue collapsing my body, two major parasites, a malfunctioning thyroid and another two long-term intense infections all causing my body to react in ways that scared my medical specialist significantly. There were a couple of additional conditions I was too ill to even be tested for, which they saw overwhelming evidence of in my body. They were unsure if I would ever regain full health but hoped their various strict orders would work toward giving me at least some quality of health. We took their orders seriously and having done all we could each day, we would cry out to God to do His part in healing my body.
We spent until early 2013 in a real battle of love to recover me as best was humanly possible. Our life was drastically upside down and focused on living itself. Our previous growing involvement in ministry life had taken a sudden halt. It was a sabbatical season of rest for us. I knocked out the parasites swiftly and then over the two year period of time, went from 13-15 hours of sleep per day and an assisted short outing to the very local shop once every couple weeks to finally sleeping just 9-11 hours per day and being in one social setting per week where interaction was limited to avoid fatigue. I still struggled with walking, (even across a room) which caused unanswerable heart palpitations. I will spare you any fuller detail here of the difficulties, to avoid focus on the painful and dark season it had become. Progress was made with effort and we continued to ask God for supernatural intervention. And then it happened.
On March 23rd, 2013, we took a trip 45 minutes away to see Randy Clark who was speaking at a conference. It was a mammoth effort for me to arrive. We were late but we knew we should be there.

In the evening meeting, Randy began sharing words of knowledge of illnesses in the room which he felt God had told him would be healed that night. He shared one about pain around the left ribs which I knew was for me, so I raised my hand in response. It was associated to the nerve damage I’d suffered from, after a bout with shingles a couple years previous. He asked me to find him afterward for prayer. When he laid hands on my head, I felt the dunamis power of God come on me with such a force, I was surprised I had not been knocked back several feet under its energy! It lifted as quickly as it had arrived. I instantly and uncontrollably wept for several minutes as I soaked in the encounter of our Father having hovered over me. I left that night and rode home feeling just as rubbish as I’d been accustomed to feeling after such a full on day. But I knew I had been healed regardless of how I felt. I posted on facebook as I sat in the car, that Randy Clark had prayed for me and that, “Quite simply, I will never be the same again.” And I wasn’t.

The next morning, I opened my eyes as I sat up in bed. I suddenly realised my eyes did not feel fatigued and I’d sat up without the then usual 1+ hour of gaining strength to sit up in bed. I further noted how very light and pain free my body felt generally and hopped out of bed to begin testing out what appeared to be an overnight miracle in my body. It was then I noticed it was 7am!! I’d not woken up before very late morning on a good day, for as long as I could remember! I spent the next couple of weeks watching a miracle unfold as my body went from strength to strength. One day my lips filled with color as I stood in front of the mirror. Another day my skin changed and went moist for the first time in years. No more puffs of dry skin! Yet another day my hair and complexion balanced out. Everyone from my chiropractor to hair stylist asked me what was different when they saw me, before I could get a chance to share my life changing news.

It occurred to me in the weeks after the healing began that it was quite possibly, exactly 18 years to the day from when I first realised my health was struggling, to when I started receiving this healing! Only a day or two off if it’s not exact. I am a living testimony of the value of never giving up in the midst of trial and continuing to knock on heavens door for what we are promised.
Not long after this life changing healing began, I found an old 3×5 card my mom had written a scripture on back when she was alive. Indeed, I received the promise I had cried out for.

If you need healing in your own body and this testimony has ministered to you, just receive your own healing right now. Revelation 19:10 says that the testimony is the spirit of prophecy. Sharing a testimony literally releases God’s presence to do it again. If you want what I’ve been given, let nothing stop you from grabbing your healing today. Open your arms in a posture of receiving right now and simply say, “God, I want what Rebekah has. I receive my healing right now.” Let no bad reports like I had, stop you from knocking on heaven’s door for your miracle. Receive hope again today and be bold before the throne of God. You are no longer a servant but a friend of God and have the right to ask. If He shows you anything in your life which you may do to bring breakthrough, go after it and see His faithfulness added to your own. If you feel responsible, repent and then never again allow the enemy to torment you about breakthrough you are entitled to receive. Once you have received, do not labor in prayer, test out anything you can and remain audibly thankful for what He is doing in you. That night as I went home feeling rubbish, I took a step of faith and declared I’d never be the same again and went to bed not yet seeing the fruit of it, while resting in the joy of what I had received. I encourage you to do the same. Today could be your day! What do you have to lose?
If you received from God and find healing in your body, please tell me about it! Comment below or write to me! As for me, I remain more healed than ever, of the conditions God touched and my full healing continues to fall into place. Praise God! You’ll be seeing more of me as I continue to partner with God for what lies ahead.
You are loved. x
UPDATE: After such incredible response to this post, of those with their own hard to solve health conditions, I called the heath care professional (Hilary Thomas), who I had reached out to in 2011. I want to really credit her amazing work with me. I called to ask her permission to share her details with you. Hilary worked with me from a distance and helped me get on the right track toward health, when nobody else had been able to. I think I quite likely could have continued to deteriorate speedily, if it had not been for her amazing initial support and wise care to get lab results in and to properly understand my particular needs, before devising a plan to support me actually recovering instead of deteriorating further. I had to put in the focused effort she recommended, but she helped me find the solutions which nobody else could uncover, and then set me up with a plan to recover.
Hilary was pleased to hear of all that both, her own help and God’s intervention, had made possible. She said that she receives new clients regardless of where they live in the world. I understand she has clients in America, England and beyond. And, not only is she super sweet, she’s also worked hard to be highly knowledgeable and qualified to help people. Don’t misunderstand, I am not being paid to refer her. I just cannot recommend her enough and have had so many private messages requesting what I would recommend practically, for various health situations people are facing.
One of the main lessons I learned as a result of my time with her, was that regardless if I wanted to “do things naturally”, I still needed professional help and lab results to ensure I wasn’t wasting time, money and energy on fruitless guessing games. I feel pretty strongly about not “self-diagnosing” after the ease in which lab results allowed her to use her knowledge to get me on the right track. Additionally, because she is a private care professional, she had access to lab tests which were far more in depth than most practices could offer. I am indebted to the care she gave me and can highly recommend Hilary. Her details are at the following website if you would like them for yourself:
Jan 27, 2015 @ 3:50 pm
What a beautiful testimony of God’s work in your life! Praising God with you!
Jan 31, 2015 @ 12:48 am
Thank you! God is so good!
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:58 pm
Thank you for your testimony, it has blessed and encouraged me to stand strong in faith and trust in God. So, today I received my healing in my whole body, and I will never be the same ever again!!!
I love you my sister in Christ Jesus, I believe that I will see you in heaven one day.
And then I will hug you and thank you face to face!!! 🙂
Feb 17, 2015 @ 3:00 am
Praise the Lord, he is good all the time! I am so blessed and encouraged by your testimony of healing.
Feb 18, 2015 @ 7:42 pm
I rejoice and praise God with you in your healing. He continues to be at work in you as you bless/teach us through your Bible Art lessons. What a joy to be part of the family of God – He knows such great people! =)
Feb 20, 2015 @ 12:05 pm
I have but one prayer and that is to reach in love, teach the benefits of healing art and bring to God HIS child, Holly who is struggling mightily with breast cancer recovery depression. Your testimony brought this to mind and gave me hope that I could make a difference in her life despite my own lack of strength and a plan. THANKS again, Rebekah. You are being mightily used to HIS glory.
Apr 7, 2015 @ 12:20 pm
Greetings Rebekah!
Thank you so very much for sharing your experience with us! I too have been ill with mysterious symptoms for nearly the last 5 years, mainly exhausting fatigue and intense allergies that result in hives only on my face and neck. While reading of your trials I got some insights on what may also be relevant to my situation. And of couse I shall always have the Lord near. Thanks again for your openness. I am very grateful!
Apr 21, 2015 @ 9:52 am
I’m glad to hear that Ruth Ann! God is good. May you continue to have all the keys needed to step into your full healing.
Apr 22, 2015 @ 11:23 pm
Dear Rebekah,
I have recently found your site. I am delighted to have found it. I have been doing Healing Journals for several years and been an Artist my whole life. Healing Journals have been such a stress reliever for me. I too have suffered with undiagnosed health problems most of my life. Depression and fear over illnesses has been a real struggle for me. My precious Lord came into my life 33 years ago and I have never looked back. Although I have not been healed physically, my loving Savior has healed my Spirit and been by my side every step of the way….I’m so BLESSED. I look forward to taking on your weekly challenges
Apr 23, 2015 @ 12:22 am
Hi Victoria! Thanks for sharing with me. I’ll look forward to you joining in! May you find all the healing you desire and more. 🙂
Apr 30, 2015 @ 3:17 pm
What an amazing testimony to the faithfulness of God, thank you for sharing!
May 5, 2015 @ 10:47 pm
I am so thankful I have it to share! God is so good! 🙂
May 21, 2015 @ 5:39 pm
Praise God! Rebekah, I was watching a bible journaling video of yours when your healing link came up, and I decided to read it. I have a similar story to yours and went through several years of being in bed and requiring surgeries for a non-cancerous tumor. God began an amazing healing work in me last year when my father died. I was prompted as I read your testimony to pray and felt the power of God through me. I praise God, and I thank him for your healing and mine. I believe in this healing and that God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness. Amen.
May 26, 2015 @ 9:00 pm
Thanks for sharing your story with me Emily. May you receive your full healing! 🙂
May 30, 2015 @ 4:21 pm
Hi Rebekah,
I was watching your amazing videos of the art you have created with the help of God. I started out in the Bible Journaling Group on Facebook and went in full force. I loved it and created almost every week but then got further and further behind until now I haven’t touched any art at all in months. I am a beginner but love the creating and especially the colors and have invested quite a bit in supplies. So I feel a little like a failure. I have had back pain for over 5 years now and now after an 8 hour back surgery almost a year ago it is worse than before and I am so limited in my abilities I do very little but read and study God’s Word. What I am saying is that your story of healing has given me such hope that I am going to begin praying everyday for His healing and I believe He will and can do it. Thank you so much for your story, you are an inspiration to me artistically, spiritually and trusting in God’s healing power. God bless you and I look forward to reading your blogs which I signed up for.
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:45 pm
Hey Linda! I’m sorry to have missed your comment before now but I wanted to respond to you. I am sorry you felt overwhelmed with how fast my tutorials were coming at ya. I did make some changes this year and they are only monthly. Last year I needed to do weekly, just to create a wide range of tutorials to help everyone on their particular journey. This year, I’m sticking to a small range of supplies and only monthly, which is going well. As for your back, I pray you’ve received real breakthrough and if not, that today be your day! I pray real hope be infused into your life at this time. Much love! x
Sep 18, 2015 @ 12:28 am
Thanks for sharing your testimony. I am going through a very similar situation, and am also in the ministry. If you have time, could you please share with me through email your journey from beginning to health? Sincerest thanks again! Shelby 🙂
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:47 pm
Hi Shelby, I was in the midst of developing a course when your comment came through so I missed it which I am sorry about. I am also sorry to hear you’ve had difficulty with your health. I’ve made an update to this blog post today at the bottom of it, which details who I reached out to for help, that was able to make a difference for me. You’re welcome to look into it if you’re still in need. Additionally, I have a couple of other posts on healing which you can find by searching “healing” on my blog.
Oct 14, 2015 @ 8:41 pm
Hello, Rebekah. I have been ill for 18 years. I have been prayed for and people pray for my health individually. My story is too long to say it here, but, I want you to know that God has touched me powerfully with your testimony. I prayed your prayer and I receive my healing and I want to testify to it here.
I know, with all my being, I will never be the same again. Praise You My Lord
God bless you! Iris Perez
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:48 pm
Hello Iris, I remember responding to you in my facebook group but want to again here. I am so glad you were touched by my testimony and pray you are seeing breakthrough on your own journey. x
Dec 30, 2015 @ 12:04 am
Thank you for sharing your testimony! What a mighty God we serve!!! Your Bible journaling videos are such a blessing to me – especially when you share what God has shown you in His Word. It means even more now that I know you have been through the fire! Thank you for sharing your story and your gift!
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:50 pm
Looks like I missed your comment over the Christmas and New Year period. Sorry about that. I am glad my story is of encouragement to you! Blessings! x
Jan 23, 2016 @ 8:28 am
My pastor has a son named Randy Clark. I can’t help but think or hope it is the same guy.
I have not been to church or to see them in a long time. The very fact that I have somehow stumbled upon you Rebekah and your online presence is no coincidence or mistake. God is drawing me towards him in my time of need. Welcoming me back with open arms by giving me this wonderful idea of art and Bible study.
I will now make that difficult and humbling step to call George and Judy to tell them about all this and see what their son Randy is up too. ? I am sure there are many Randy Clarks in this world that love the Lord, but God works in wonderful ways and this could just be causing men to reach out to the people who led me to the Lord in the first place when I was 4 years old.
I am grateful to you Rebekah and I can’t wait to start creating in a Bible and learning and practicing art techniques I never have before and growing closer to God than ever before!
Praise God for healing you ! And how wonderful that you stayed strong in your Faith and trusted in Him. It can be hard to do in rough times !
Thank you for all you do
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:54 pm
Hi Rebecca, I am so glad my story has had an impact on you! I hope you’ve made that call to George and Judy. Though I don’t believe the Randy Clark who prayed for me, is a pastors son, I do agree that God loves to speak to us through these sorts of things. May you feel the loving presence of God as you draw nearer to Him. You are so loved! x
Jan 30, 2016 @ 12:52 pm
Thank you so much for your testimony, God is so good! I thank him for such wonderful young Christians that love him and proclaim his good works.
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:55 pm
You’re right, God is so good! 🙂 x
Mar 23, 2016 @ 2:56 pm
I love testimonies of healing and miracles!!! It feeds my faith like heaven’s bread!
I have been healed of major things several times in my life!
Our Sweet and loving Jesus is so marvelous!!!
You are blessed!
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:55 pm
Praise God! He is wonderful.
Mar 23, 2016 @ 3:19 pm
I praise God for your healing and I thank him in advance for mine!!
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:56 pm
That is right! Lord, do a miracle for Elisa like you did in me! x
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:05 pm
Thank you for your testimony Rebekah. This morning I asked God to help me, as I have been suffering with an annoying cough which comes and goes. Then I saw your post. I’m sure God wanted me to see this in answer to my prayer. God bless you
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:56 pm
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:07 pm
Thank you for this glimpse of continued hope as I struggle with unresolved health issues! God is good all the time – sickness and health!!! Thank you for your testimony!
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:59 pm
Teena I’ve updated the post at the bottom to include the health professional I reached out to, for those who need answers practically. I pray you are filled with hope! God is SO good! x
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:09 pm
Your posting this morning is so appropriate for me at this time in my life. Through the years I have gone through medical problems and God has restored me to health in most cases. For close to 2 years now, I have some medical problems that they have not been able to really diagnose. Each test I have taken has come back with something that is not normal, but there has been no definite diagnosis. What the doctors have said could be wrong is life threatening and it, even though I know God has my Savior, has affected my life. There are even times when I find it hard to pray, but I know that God is there and always will be. Hopefully, this last test I had has found FINALLY something that they can treat and my health will be restored. I need to keep my focus on God and stop listening to the “what ifs” of Satan. Thank you for your uplifting story and the reminder of how capable and willing our God is!
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:21 pm
Wowsers. I’m reading this as I’m lying in bed with back pain. I did as you suggested with tears flowing down to my pillow. I extended my hands to Jesus and prayed a prayer of healing. Regardless of how I feel, I’m no longer going to be afraid of the potential of surgery or worstening pain, but rather, to be excited in what He can and will do. Thanks for this absolutely annointed and encouraging word. Fondly, Tami
Mar 24, 2016 @ 5:00 pm
I love it! God, do a miracle in Tami’s body right now. x
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:24 pm
Another testimony for us not to give up. Yours is for healing and that’s so very important. But, there are more things that we are praying for and I take your word not to give up. We need to have hope all of the time when we are praying. God does hear.
Mar 24, 2016 @ 5:22 pm
I’m glad you got that out of my testimony Cora. Perseverance is so important. x
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:37 pm
What a beautiful testimony of Gods goodness, mercy and healing.
I lifted my hands and i prayed thanking God for my healing! Praise God!
Thank you for sharing
Mar 24, 2016 @ 5:23 pm
Wonderful! Lord, do a miracle for Kelly. x
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:40 pm
Thank you, thank you for you message of hope! I have shared it with all of my Facebook friends. You are a courageous woman and we are all blessed to know you! Thank you Lord Jesus!
My youngest daughter who is only 34 was just diagnosed with colorectal cancer and we are praying for her recovery. I’ve shared your experience with her.
Mar 23, 2016 @ 4:40 pm
Hi ,I have been ill with fibromyalgia and other attending illness s and a couple with nothing g to do with it.Started at age 12 I’m 63 now .Although He has not healed me physically I do believe he has healed my mind to cope with the constant piano and ME I live with I was touched by your testimony and so delighted you are healed ,Praise God from whom all blessings flow .I have prayed your prayer and hope I will receive .Bless you for sharing and giving hope to us all .?
Mar 23, 2016 @ 5:43 pm
What a powerful testimony! Every good and perfect gift comes from above. Praise God!
Mar 23, 2016 @ 6:02 pm
What a beautiful testimony to the healing power of God. He does love us immensely and wants us to be whole and healthy. I am receiving my healing miracle as I walk a journey with cancer. But I know my God will heal me.
Mar 23, 2016 @ 6:26 pm
THANK YOU JESUS. How generous and faithful you are. And how wonderfully deep your love your people.
Mar 23, 2016 @ 7:29 pm
What an awesome God, and loving Father we have! Praise Jesus for all the wonders He still does today!
Thank you for sharing your testimony with us, it really brought tears to my eyes.
Mar 23, 2016 @ 8:10 pm
Praise the Lord! Two years ago, I had to abort at 8 weeks pregnancy because the baby didn’t have a heart beat. I got really depress, and went to church, receive many prayers and after that found comfort in God and Art. Today I can tell that I am a different person from what I was before, and my faith has just grow stronger?
Mar 23, 2016 @ 8:45 pm
Rebekah that is an amazing testimony! What an encouragement and a hope to those who are hurting. God is so good! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony.
Mar 23, 2016 @ 10:56 pm
God bless you Rebekah! Thank you for sharing your testimony with us, I know that it will bless many.
Mar 24, 2016 @ 12:23 am
Thank you Rebekah for your testimony. It gives me hope for healing from depressionand anxity and cluster head aches. I will pray with my hads ready to receive a healing from our loving God .It gives me so much hope.I am blessed by your testomony as I know others will be thanks for sharing.
Mar 24, 2016 @ 2:28 am
What a blessing! Thank you for sharing what God has faithfully bestowed upon you!
Mar 24, 2016 @ 3:58 am
What a great testimony! Thanks for sharing.
Mar 24, 2016 @ 4:11 pm
I am blessed by your words. I receive healing today for my entire body and soul. I am expecting to see it happen! I thank God for you every day!
Apr 3, 2016 @ 7:47 pm
I enjoyed reading your testimony of how God healed you. I also am praying and seeking God regarding healing for my body. I have stage 4 melanoma and He has seen me through 4 years of treatment. He just revealed to me this week that I have a trust issue. I have been reluctant to open your monthly God is Good challenges because I have not been trusting Him completely to be that Good God for me. I have been praying and basically demanding that He do it my way, as though His way wouldn’t be better. What was I thinking? Well, thankfully, He has opened my eyes to my lack of trust issue and we are working on that. Your work has been instrumental in helping me over this hurdle and seeing and trusting that God wants the best for me and His best if going to be far better than what I think is the best. Thanks so much for all the effort that you put into this project. I will be following your posts about how good God is.
May 8, 2016 @ 1:38 am
Thoroughly inspired by your testimony. Yes, our God is an awesome God. Waking up in recovery room and leaving the hospital 3 months later to rehab to learn how to walk again for a 28 yr old was scary. But Godcwas right there. Now, after a 14 month battle with cancer, God led me thru that. Why we have to go thru these trials, only God knows. But He will never leave us nor forsake us. I love watching your videos. May God continue to use your talents to inspire us all.
Mar 28, 2017 @ 8:08 pm
Rebecca, I have wanted to hear your testimony for some time now and I am so encouraged by it. God is so faithful and just wants us to come to him. I believe your being wise in seeking your doctors advise was correct and better yet your willingness to share this miracle in your life has opened a door to new things in your life such as the Bible journaling. Thank you for allowing others to read this. Thank you Lord for your tender mercies and healing.
Mar 26, 2018 @ 2:42 pm
I am living my healing step by step as I write this. I didn’t have a moment in time that I can point too but I am just as sure that God has walked me out of the pit I was in. I was living some of what you are talking about. My pain, fatigue and mental state grew worse over a 30 year period, the last 10 years being the most life altering I had experienced. I felt at the end of my rope. (Even one short outing a week was a challenge I had to prepare for and recover from.). My healing began last June when my doctor told me I was likely to die that summer if I didn’t make some big changes. I was talking to my sister, relating what was going on. She has always been my champion. She said one simple thing. “God made your body to heal”. I knew it before, but that day I knew it in a NEW way and it spoke LIFE into my heart. I asked God to show me truth. He is still revealing life giving truth to me. And it has changed me. I am doing things I never imagined. My husband keeps looking at me and saying “who are you?” I am approaching the one year mark and my body is healthier, more pain free, and more fit. And my mind Is more peaceful than I ever remember it being. I am acutely aware that God is doing a great work in me and I’m profoundly grateful for the new life I am living. It is still so fresh that I sometimes find it hard to trust this as my new normal. But I am confessing my healing. I AM healed in Jesus’ name!!! Your testimony is food for my soul. Your ministry is part of my healing. God bless you Rebekah!
Jul 22, 2019 @ 2:25 am
Praising the Lord for your healing! Our God is SO good!
Thank you for sharing.
Bible Art Journaling Challenge Lesson 12 - Inktense Pencil Tutorial - Rebekah R Jones
Jan 22, 2021 @ 3:13 pm
[…] today, (March 24th)… I woke up dramatically healed! As I mentioned last week, I wrote about my healing testimony a while back in more detail, if you’d like to read about it. And now, here we are, focusing […]
Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 11 - Gelatos on Vellum Page Insert - Rebekah R Jones
Oct 6, 2021 @ 2:10 pm
[…] with goodness and abundance. I am proof He loves to give it all, so we can be free. I wrote about my healing testimony a while back in more detail, if you’d like to read about […]