Heavy Body Acrylic Paint with Stickers – Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 18

week 18

Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 18 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! Today I’ve used some beautiful Liquitex Pro Heavy Body Acrylic Paint, with some Chitchat Stickers and Label Letters from the Tim Holtz Idea-ology collection. It feels like I ended up with a cheerful little creative spot on my Bible page, which took very little time to create. Perfect for those of us with little time on our hands and also few supplies!

It is nice to do full page illustrations like last week which take time to ponder parts of scripture longer than usual, but it is also wonderful to have techniques for those days when you are limited in time but still really need to spend time in God’s Word.

This week’s scripture is Hebrews 11:1 which says,

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

About this weeks challenge

So tell me, how are you doing actioning faith in your life? Is it time to ask God for more faith? To help you learn how to live it out in more practical ways? Lets grab hold of hope and not stop there. Faith is the substance, the assurance, the reality… of hope. Let us not just hope, but also have faith. And if you feel like you lack the faith you need? Just ask God!

He LOVES to give gifts like any good dad. He would love to give you more faith, to help you move beyond hope and into the expectation of the unseen. Why would that matter? We all experience difficult seasons or times. Our faith is what anchors us and allows our heart to not become sick with hope that was deferred.

I’m challenging us all to get a faith checkup. Let’s ask God what our faith levels are looking like and how they might improve. How is faith actioned and a reality in your own life?

week 18

Suppose you don’t have any idea what I’m talking about… all this faith talk. Can I encourage you to have a look at a previous blog post where I shared about it right in the text? It may just help make sense of what I’m sharing. And, lets be honest, that bird for that challenge is too cute not to have a look at! 🙂

Bible art journaling

Recently I shared some of my techniques for putting acrylic paint into my Bible the way I did today. Have a look at that Week 16 Bible Art Journaling Challenge to watch and learn about those techniques if you’d find that helpful.

I hope my video today gets your brain going with ideas about how you can easily create in your Bible. What I didn’t mention in my video and is important to always note, is that you MUST ensure your Bible page is TOTALLY DRY before using your Micron or other felt-tipped pen on your surface to not dry them out. That is why I bother using a heat-gun. I wrote a blog post about felt-tipped pens on gesso which you may find helpful as the same principles apply to using them on Matte Gel Medium like I did today.

If you’re new to creativity and feel intimidated by some of the challenges I share, hopefully this will show you that you can start right where you are. I really love everything from the simple to the masterful pieces. They all are beautiful. What is important to me is that you spend time with your Bible open in front of you, letting its words into your heart to stay. 🙂 Make that happen however you come alive creatively and if I can support you in your journey, I am so glad. 🙂

Free PDF download

I promised a free PDF dowload of some of the translations of this scripture for you to use in your Bible study. Click to download here or click on the image below. I hope it gives you a head start in studying the topic of faith this week. What a subject!


Another great translation of the Bible which I did not include in the PDF, is the Amplified Bible. It says…

“Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].”

I love that it says faith is a title deed. What a picture. And that faith is is perceiving as real fact, what is not revealed to the senses. Faith is only available to us through God. We just have to ask Him for it and be willing to action it as we learn how to live it out in our lives. He will be with us every step of the way to help us with the journey.

Your turn to create

I would love you to try any of the techniques I’ve shared in my process with you today if you’re interested in them. I also want you to feel free to gather inspiration for this scripture in other places and create right on your page if you want. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all Bible art journal for this weeks challenge! You can find answers to most any question you may have about the Bible Art Journaling Challenge over on my Challenge page found in the top navigation. It also has a full archive! Be sure to head over to our Facebook group and/or  Google+ Community, to chat about this weeks Bible Art Journaling Challenge and get started on your own page!

Bible Art Journaling Supplies

As promised, here are the supplies I featured in this weeks video which you can click on to view or purchase. I hope it helps you find anything you may want to try out. I receive a small percentage of each purchase when anyone clicks on my art supply links, to go get supplies I use like you see below, or on my YouTube videos. This has no effect on you and makes a real difference for me! I am excited for you to get great deals on supplies anywhere, so you can join in on your budget. When you find deals which I’ve searched for and recommended below, I get supported. Thank you, I so appreciate your support which helps me provide these free tutorials for you!

Click images to view art supply details or to purchase.

Bibles Ideal For Bible Art Journaling

There are several wide-margin Bibles I’ve seen recommended for art journaling, including large print versions. I’ve created a linked collection here to make your choice easier when looking for a Bible to art journal in. If you click on any of the Bibles, you will often be able to look inside to see the pages for yourself before purchasing!

  • I really like the ESV Journaling Bible with faint lines in the 2 inch wide margin and cream paper color.
  • I love my imitation leather, NASB Note-Taker’s Bible (top left Bible below), which is free of lines in the wide and bottom margin with white paper.
  • All give extra room for creativity.
  • You can also join in with a Bible you already have, or even an art journal like the art journals I recommend.

Click images to view Bibles or to purchase.

If you have not done so yet, be sure to join my newsletter on the right-hand side of this page, so you can be notified when I release new Challenges and other exciting creative things.

Don’t forget to share this with any friends you think might want to know about it. I will see you right here next week, for another Bible Art Journaling Challenge!

You are loved. x

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB.

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