My Giant Art and Craft Supply Haul

Hello everyone! As you may remember, I returned from a trip to America in December. I went to film an exciting new online class I have developed with, which will become available on their website early 2016. They were so generous in supplies with me, as we worked hard to develop a beautiful and excellent class. Some of the supplies you’ll see here, will be in the class and some are ones I bought while away on my trip… on amazing Black Friday sales, I’ll add!! 🙂
I’ve been desperate to show you all the fun stuff I got and finally am able to share this! Come with me as I show you through this giant haul of 217 art and craft supplies, yes, 217! I’ll warn you, it’s a long video. But I thought you might enjoy it, if I just talked you through these new supplies and hope you enjoy the video! Below are visual links to every supply I show in the video!
I know you are going to love some of these supplies and I’m excited to share them with you! [click to continue…]