Illustrated Faith Partner With Dayspring – A Fun Review

Hello everyone! So, I often get requests for my recommendations and reviews on products and supplies I’ve had experience with. Today I’ve got a fun review for you of some Illustrated Faith products which I am certain you are going to LOVE to see as I show you through them! It has been unusual for me to create such posts because of time constraints, but I know you ask for them and here I am offering a review shortly after my giant haul post!
Allow me to share my review of some new Illustrated Faith supplies I got on and how I’ve started to use them in my own Bible!
If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed that I recently became an affiliate of Dayspring. You can learn about what that means and how this art ministry is supported, on my affiliate disclosure page. I became an affiliate when Illustrated Faith launched a new partnership with Dayspring that I know you’ll just LOVE. I don’t want to miss out sharing products I love, that are designed particularly for Bible art journaling, because I get SO many questions about this topic and know it is key for helping you enjoy the process of connecting with the Word creatively. I want the supplies you use, to make it easy for you to forget about the supplies and just enjoy encountering Jesus through creativity. I feel like the founder of Illustrated Faith, (Shanna Noel), has found that sweet spot, where the supplies she sells seem designed for frustration free creative time in the Word. So let me [click to continue…]