Let’s Talk Breakthrough…

Hello Everyone! As many of you know, I have been releasing a new blog post every Tuesday since the beginning of 2015 for my Bible Art Journaling Challenge. Today is Tuesday. I woke up early, working on the finishing touches to this weeks challenge. And then I had the sudden need for a nap before finishing.
This is strange for me. I’ve not had a nap in a long while and certainly not at 9am! I have long given up resisting such odd things in my life, as they generally are God trying to do something. And He was.
I woke up an hour later no more refreshed for having slept, but a word was stirring in my heart. It was so strong I decided to abandon finishing the challenge straight away to share it on facebook on my page and in the groups I admin. I’ll share it with you in a moment.
After prayer and consideration, I’ve decided to postpone my challenge this week until Friday in order to draw up a new challenge that can focus in on what I freshly feel God is wanting me to talk about this week. The thought of not releasing a challenge today after doing so a full 28 weeks in a row is a bit sad. But I know that you’d all rather I release a word in season and that is what is on my heart to prioritize.
I’ll share this weeks challenge on Friday and next Tuesday, things will resume as usual with the challenge I have on hold which is an exciting one! If you’re following my challenge, now might be a great time to go enjoy previous challenges you want to do!
Now, about that word burning on my heart today…
I’ve shared the following word on my facebook page and share it with you here.
I believe there is a key breakthrough available and I want to talk with you quickly about it. I’ve noticed an increasing theme popping up the past couple of weeks, in the facebook groups of creative people that I admin and am a member of. There seem to be many struggling with depression, isolation, creative blocks and other struggles which are keeping them from pursuing their creative gifting and call on their life.
Today I want to speak out against those things and speak to those of you struggling. You MATTER. You are NOT alone. God sets the lonely in a family and my groups are FULL of family to you. God has INCREDIBLE creative inspiration ready for you and He is NOT the author of sickness. He gives GOOD gifts to His children and you are HIS child.
Today you can silence the lies and step in to greater freedom in your life which can impact your creative journey in wonderful ways. God LOVES to embrace and look after us.
As an act of stepping in to God’s freedom, I want to ask you to do something simple now. Stand up and step over the imaginary line in front of you that may have been keeping you from your full calling and then tell God with your voice, that you welcome and receive His freedom and breakthrough for your situation. Then thank Him for coming.
In the coming weeks, if doubt knocks on your door, stop and take time to out-loud, thank God for the breakthrough. Praise Him. I believe today is THE day for some of you!
If you have responded to this today, I’d like to encourage you to comment below and let myself and those following this creative journey with me, know that we can stand with you in prayer as you trust God in action for that breakthrough you’ve stepped in to. I believe God is releasing a shift today and look forward to hearing about the breakthroughs you receive in the comments below.
Additionally, I want to finish by sharing another word I felt God share with me this past Sunday and shared on my facebook profile.
Today I saw a bridge being transported down the motorway. As I saw it, I felt like God said, He is giving people a bridge to walk over in this season. He is even bringing the bridge to you! If your life has had troubles in this season, it is time to get up and walk over the bridge. This takes your cooperation but He will provide the way to the other side. All you need do is follow His lead as you step in to a fresh season.
So! That is all my friends. Step over that line and step on to that bridge of breakthrough! You are not alone! Please do comment below and keep a look out for my Bible Art Journaling Challenge on this topic, Friday!
You are loved. x
Jul 21, 2015 @ 2:41 pm
I needed to hear these words today. I have suffered from depression for many years. Medication helps , but it’s not enough. I know now God is the answer. I am trying to cross the bridge He has laid out for us. I know He is by my side & I need to trust Him. Thank you for sharing today Rebekah. Many of us needed this more than an art challenge. (((((((HUGS)))))))
Jul 21, 2015 @ 3:20 pm
Hugs to you too Anne! Way to brave things. The best is yet to come! 🙂
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:44 pm
Rebekah, you truly are an angel on this Earth. You always have the right words. I cannot put into words how much your words today have helped me. I WILL step over that line and I WILL walk across the bridge. Depression is an awful disease and I struggle with how it comes from nowhere without any reason. Life is good and yet this cloud of black suddenly hangs over my head. I know that by trusting God I will cope through the hard times and your encouragement means so much. You are always telling us we are loved, well believe me when I say the love we in this group have for you is just as great. Thank you.
Apr 15, 2016 @ 2:47 am
I sit in a season of pain and depression and I came across your video and watched it and heard your words. I am in such darkness and feel like I am not able to come out from it and am facing decision that I do not want to make please pray for me pray for guidance and pray for me to hear Gods word please.
Jul 14, 2017 @ 7:50 pm
I pray for Maria in the name of Jesus our wonderful, loving, brother God…get behind her depression, Jesus is with her!
The New Testament is our elder brother’s last will and testament he left for us – read it today, we are his inheritors!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 3:15 pm
I have also struggled with depression and hopelessness my whole life. I needed to know the next step. I need to know what to do. I believe that this is my instruction. I’m trying to get back in to being my creative self that God has made me to be, for He has gifted me with many different talents. Everything I’ve put my hand to lately, I’ve messed it up, wasted a lot of time and materials . I get frustrated and feel like I’m not talented all at times. But the last time I painted, the Lord gave me a beautiful picture that was so outside my skills that I knew it was the Holy Spirit. My friend who sat with me in my kitchen while we were painting also received her own unique one. I bought supplies to ‘try again’. This has not been easy. I’m ready for breakthrough and to be able to just flow and not struggle all the time.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 3:22 pm
Thanks for sharing with me Nelishia. God is with you! I’m excited to hear of the breakthroughs you’ll be stepping in to! 🙂
Jul 21, 2015 @ 3:27 pm
I have sickle cell anemia and most people do not know much (if anything) about this disease. I have to thank God that I have coped well with it all my life and I have a pretty fulfilling life. However, I have been struggling more the past two years than ever before with pain and exhaustion. I have continued to work, as I have 3 daughters to care for. I needed this message today because as I have increasingly been becoming more tired mentally as my health as decreased. I have been praying for guidance on my decision to stop working, but I am so scared! I stepped over the line and I’m full with anticipation and excitement to see how God will move in my life.
Thank you Rebekah for following God’s lead in your life!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:01 pm
Thank you so much for your word. I am in the grief process after the death of my beloved 34 year old niece Rachel in December. She died from septic shock caused by a kidney infection and was gone in an hour and half after everyone left her house following her son’s birthday.
I was unable to come home for the funeral as I live in Hanoi. I am now home for summer holidays and facing the fact that she is truly gone, I feel frozen inside and I am afraid I am going to stay like this without really accepting emotionally that she is gone.
I am going to step over the line and believe that God will lead me through my journey of grief. Again thanks
Jul 21, 2015 @ 11:41 pm
Heather, your posts touches my heart. Please know you will not remain frozen, I promise. Grief is a process and at times it can seem overwhelming and at other times we think we’re doin well and without warning we once again have another wave to conquer. I am reminded of the verse God’s mercies are new each morning and the other verse Joy comes in the morning. Hang on to his mercy as you work your way through the muck and the mire of grief. Joy will come one morning when you least expect it… promise. In the mean time know that someone is holding you up in prayer.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:05 pm
Thank you for being obedient! I need this encouragement & physical act to break through a creative barrier between myself & my calling. Line crossed breakthrough received! Peace! Jen
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:22 pm
THANKS!! Timed perfectly for me….Thanks xo
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:28 pm
Thank you for your faithfulness and following the stirrings of your heart. I receive your word and have stepped over the line this morning. I have felt paralyzed in grief over marital issues. I believe He will deliver us, it’s just been a very long time in the darkness of lies and I am tired. My spirit feels parched. Today I will stand and receive His promises spoken through you. ♡♡♡
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:32 pm
Oh Precious Lady, you are truly a gift from God. I have struggled my entire life with anxiety, health issues, fear and panic. I have lived the last 33 years serving my Lord that I love and feeling guilty that at times as much as I love HIM and knowing HIS love for me, I have felt fear, many times. This has been a rough few years with many difficult situations and my heart has been so low. I realize that Satan loves our despair, but He who is in me is so much greater and you reminded me of this today. Thank you for sharing. You have touched my heart.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:48 pm
Fear, has had an underlying hold on me the past few months concerning several family issues and I have not spoken freely to some for fear of offending them. May God provide the wisdom and timing for speaking truth.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:52 pm
You are such a young person to have this spiritual insight. Make God continue to bless you and your artwork.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 4:54 pm
It’s only been a few days since I discovered Rebekah and her creative ministry. Oh my, I have NEVER been surrounded with so much love and encouragements via comments and posts. I did my first Bible page art and got almost 300 likes and so many wonderful comments. This is a ministry I was so craving, combining my loves of art and Jesus. I moved to a new state 3 years ago and was missing my community of godly like-minded girl friends I had to leave behind. My main creative outlet is pottery and I have friends I work with in that; BUT to find a creative community online that also embraces my love and need of Jesus is such a blessing. Amazingly, I feel personally close already to some of you. That’s God, I know. Thank you Lord for your gift to me of Bible Art Journaling and Rebekah! My only problem is the amount of time I spend on reading about all of you. I need to set some limits somehow (anyone else have this problem?) As for today’s blog challenge from God through Rebekah to step over the line in a breakthrough to freedom, it is timely and critical. I will have newly-discovered breast cancer surgery tomorrow. Altho I’m trusting and resting in God, I crave a new deeper relationship with Christ. I stepped over the line and thanked God for the challenge. Thank you Rebekah for heeding God’s nudges and ministering to so many. WHAT AN AMAZING GROUP! You are loved!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 11:44 pm
Linda, thanks for sharing your struggle. I will hold you up in prayer tomorrow
Jul 21, 2015 @ 5:11 pm
I do not suffer from depression although I did have a season of serious depression due to sin in my life so I am aware of the darkness it brings. On the other hand, I have had over 3 years of health issues related to cancer and I am ready to walk across that bridge into divine and complete healing. Your words spoke to me of the promise of divine health due to the work of the cross. Thank you so much for listening to God and changing your plans to bring His word to us.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 5:11 pm
Thank you so much for this! If you don’t mind I’m going to write some of this post down and tape it in the front of my Bible! God bless you!!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 5:43 pm
Thanks Rebekah,
This year has been a year of breakthrough, i suffer with sever long term health problems. i stopped driving 18 years ago and started refresher lessons. and breaking through old mindsets hope to have a car in the not to distant future.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 6:10 pm
Thank you so much for your words. Have been dealing with depression a lot in the past few months due to a chronic illness. I love following your blog and Bible Art and had brought me much Joy as I try to do most of your challenges. Bless you for listening to The Lord as He leads you. .
Jul 21, 2015 @ 6:38 pm
So powerful and the timing is always God’s. I needed to hear this today, and take that step to freedom. Thanks Rebekah for sharing His word and for being bold to do what he puts on your heart. You are an inspiration and a light to the dark world and the darkness in our hearts that we allow . Blessings to you and to all who heard your words and took the step!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 6:58 pm
Thanks so much Rebekah!! Your word is a confirmation in this season of my life. You’re a great blessing. Much love & hugs to you 😉
Jul 21, 2015 @ 7:10 pm
I needed these words today. Last week I lost a friend. She did not pass away, instead she chose to remove herself from my life. I’ve been a Christian the entire time I’ve known her, but having rededicated myself to God and changed my writing genre, I was told hanging out with me would be “awkward at best”. I’m in my 40s, but I felt like I was back in high school again and not good enough to hang with the cool kids. I know this is God’s way of weeding friendships that aren’t in my best interests, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t hurt or impact my creative abilities. Thanks for the reminder that we serve Him, and that is all that is important.
I love reading the comments. I can feel the love of so many of you and I am grateful for it.
Kay Lyons Stockham
Jul 21, 2015 @ 7:12 pm
Rebekah, I cannot thank you enough for this message. I have been feeling, well… off for the last many several weeks. With work, my weight and relationships. Just a bit off. I haven’t been able to bible journal, and just feel worn down. I want refreshment and to walk over that line and that bridge into a new season! Thank you for this message! I am going to print your message out for my journal and mark a new chapter in my life. I want Jesus in the lead and to be following and believing in Him. I love seeing everyone’s bible artwork and am blessed by it every day. Now it is time for me to get busy myself! Blessings to you. This was JUST what I needed to hear!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 7:18 pm
Thank you so much for listening to the Lord and for bringing us this word. I had a terrible injury two years ago. I broke my skull and suffered a subcutaneous hematoma, internal bleeding, ripped muscles and a traumatic brain injury. Six months later they found out I was still bleeding internally so after three surgeries they stopped the bleeding and embolism but had to permanently fuse my entire neck. I lost a lot of abilities and live in pain but the prayers of so many people saved me. One thing I missed was the loss of my creative and artistic abilities. I rejoiced when I found your blog and today I took that step over the line with you in faith. Thank you for your faithfulness and your open heart and spirit. I feel ready to be creative again!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 8:13 pm
Thank you for this word! I have stepped over the line. I am believing for a Breakthrough!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 8:58 pm
Thank you for sharing the Word of The Lord. I have stepped over the line and into God’s breakthrough. Praise God for His Faithfulness to us!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 9:12 pm
It is just as I thought, you are a servant of the most high God! Thank you for your obedience ,it means so much. As one of many, many chronically ill Christians it can be hard to do what you need to do each day, to do what the Lord wants you to do and to do something you, yourself would like to do. I have to ask Him daily to help me. He sustains me, He guides me, He is my friend. I love Him so much. Thanks you again.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 9:56 pm
Rebekah you are so faithful and giving. Thank you for sharing this word. X
Jul 21, 2015 @ 10:23 pm
I’m so grateful for your words today. I suffered a fall the other day and have been in bed since then. I see my doctor tomorrow. While in the bed I have not been able to do anything with my Bible journaling. I have been down for the last few weeks, feeling very lonely and lost. You gave me the encouragement I needed to turn to God and let these feelings go. I have a hard time letting things go, but I am going to try.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 10:25 pm
Thanks Rebekah,
As I read this I am home sick, unable to return to our new school term as I teach migrants and refugees English, if I can’t talk I can’t teach… So what an encouragement and timely word for me. We have been going through a time of turmoil and trusting God is there with us but the challenges keep on growing, it was nice to be reminded that these things, sickness, depression are not of God.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 11:26 pm
Rebekah, I’m new to your work. My niece recommended you to me and have enjoyed your art and encouragement. I usually though look mostly at your art and how you do it. But this page drew me completely in and I’m so glad. I have a scarred esophagus from some type of reflux which has also affected my vocal cords. The doctors don’t know much about the treatment but I know God does. Every time I talk to God about this, I hear the words “I’m taking care of you” and to put it in MY HANDS. I felt the need to walk over that line and, again, hand it over to God. I do want to use my creative gifts he has given me. I felt God’s spirit coming through you and would appreciate you praying for me.
Jul 21, 2015 @ 11:27 pm
I cannot tell you how timely this message was, and how much it spoke deeply to my heart. I have been doing your challenges since I found your videos on YouTube months back (I have a handful done that I haven’t gotten around to posting yet) and they are always…always!…a joy and a blessing and a deeply worshipful time for me in God’s presence. Thank you for being open to changing as the Spirit leads you…I needed to hear what you had to say today!
Jul 21, 2015 @ 11:44 pm
Thank you so much for sharing this with your audience! I know how hard it can be to change directions in the middle of a project, but thank you for answering his call!
After being diagnosed with Essential Tremor in May, art has become very difficult for me. I can’t draw properly or write without shaking. This has, consequently, led to a lot of questioning and negativity in my life, but what you’ve written here is exactly what I’ve needed to hear. Thank you for answering his call!
Jul 22, 2015 @ 12:33 am
Thanks Rebekah for this word of encouragment. Please keep me in your prayers. I have been believing God for my own place to live. I just recently moved to DC Metro area and housing is so expensive to live here. I’ve been really frustrated not able to find something that is afforde, nice and a safe place to live. But after reading your message from God I heard God saying, Trust Me and have faith I got what you need and I will provide. Just rest in Me. Thanks for being obedient to the voice of God. Greatly appreciated.
Jul 22, 2015 @ 12:54 am
Thank you for being obedient to our Lord and Savior and putting off the Challenge a few days to share what God has shared with you. I certainly can identify with what you wrote about struggling with depression, isolation, creative blocks and other struggles which are keeping me from pursuing my creative gifting and call on my life. I haven’t been able to do anything ‘creative’ for a little while (a few weeks) and I feel stuck. I did what you suggested and now I’m anticipating what the Lord is going to do in my life for His glory and pull me out of this rut I’m in. May God fully bless you for your ministry to us!
Jul 23, 2015 @ 1:18 am
Thanks Rebekah.
Jul 22, 2015 @ 1:58 am
Thank you for listening to God and for sharing what He told you. He used you to speak to me. I have always been the ‘creative’ one in the family and with my friends. But when I’ve looked at the beautiful work that you other ladies have created I’ve felt so small and insignificant. In the back of my mind I’ve been hearing HIM tell me “I have a different art form that I want you to explore… all things beautiful come from ME. So, allow ME to use your skills and knowledge to reflect MY glory. I doing this, I have places that I want to take you that you haven’t dreamed of going.” Thank you again, Rebekah. I will take that first step on that bridge, and I’m not looking back.
Jul 22, 2015 @ 2:05 am
Thank your for sharing your obedience to what the Lord was showing you. I so appreciate your witness through your Bible journaling and now this. I believe God will free many. I join in your reaching out to those who desire prayer and encouragement. Blessings on you, in Jesus name.
Jul 22, 2015 @ 4:28 am
Rebekah, thank you for your ministry. I always get inspired by your gifts and talents and sharing them with us. I too have been struggling with some depression and anxiety. My Dr had put me on a new medicine which helped the first week, but the second week. I felt like I was losing my mind and not in control.I am now off it and getting some rest. I also just got my craft room painted and am excited to set it up. One corner of it will be for me and Jesus. I stepped over the line and I want what He wants for me. Thank you for obeying His voice. God bless you more and more.
Jul 22, 2015 @ 6:42 am
Thank you for your word of encouragment.
I am just beginning to enter a very somber place in my personal circumstances. God gave me a heads up about it and I believe He will also provide the breakthrough when the time is right. For now, HE is the bridge over troubled water that I am depending on to keep me faithful and steady. Thanks for your timely words and lovely ministry. I am getting so much out of your challenges and art and blog!
Jul 22, 2015 @ 7:56 pm
Thank you so much for this, Holy God. I walked over that line and I’m trusting you to remove this creative block and sudden lack of confidence. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Jul 23, 2015 @ 2:03 am
I just wanted to let you know how much your bible journaling has meant to me. 3 weeks ago I had to have brain surgery. Monday my dad who lives with us, was in a serious car accident and we found out today that he is paralyzed from the chest down. I can’t sleep, I can’t eat and all I seem to do is cry all the time. I have really threw myself in the word, my bible and praying to find some comfort and peace. I go to you tube and watch your video’s and then to your website to read about what word is saying to you. It has been, besides the bible and praying, the only peace and comfort I have found since Monday. I had just found bible journaling and art about 2 weeks ago, and have only done a few pages. I now have a wish list the size of my kids Christmas lists of things I can’t wait to one day get to be able to do more with some of the supplies you use. For now I’m using what I have and loving it. I even tomorrow will be taking it to the hospital with me to share with my dad, he’s quite amazing at drawing, and to do while I spend the night there. Maybe I will be able to bless and help others there also. Sorry to ramble, but thank you for your video’s and the encouragement I have received from it. It has blessed me more than I can express during this time and I’m sure it will continue to do so. Please add my dad, Mike Davis, as well as myself to your prayers if you don’t mind. Thank you and God Bless!
Jul 29, 2015 @ 5:37 pm
I have prayed for you, your family, your dad and much wisdom for the doctors. I feel that I’m ment to share this. 15 years ago my husband and I were hit by a 10 ton truck. It was 2 years before I took a step. 4 years untill I could take a step without help. My husband’s neck was broken. God healed the broken neck. I was told at best he would be in a wheelchair for life. Last Sunday he rode his bycicle for a 6 hour ride. That’s how God works! I’ll continue to pray. Be encouraged. Your dads bridge is there.It’s time to go over it.
Jul 23, 2015 @ 5:26 am
Thank you Rebekah for sharing God’s message to you with us — I so very much needed to hear it today. I’ve been struggling creatively, and now going through a divorce, have been feeling lonely and isolated and sad. Being creative is my therapy, but I haven’t been able to motivate myself to even try. And now I can — now that God has spoken to me through you! For the first time in weeks I feel inspired… thank you!
Jul 23, 2015 @ 7:08 am
It’s almost 1:00 am. I couldn’t get to sleep, so I got back up out of bed. I’ve been reading your page and watching your videos, as I just found you today…I feel like I’ve found a new friend. And I sure am thankful that God led me here. Your word was a great encouragement to me, as God has been calling me out to “walk out” His healing in my life, and proclaiming it aloud has been part of how He has taken me there. It was time to proclaim aloud, once again. Thank you for being sensitive to Holy Spirit, and obeying. You’ve blessed me. The bridge is also very powerful to me, as God is revealing to me what I believe to be His plan for my next international mission trip. This is the second confirmation within about 36 hours. So encouraging! Thanks again, and may God bless you beyond your imagination, as you continue in your journey with Him.
Much love,
Jul 23, 2015 @ 1:30 pm
Hi Rebekah,
Just wanted to say hello! I am brand new to the bible art journaling community (my bible is still on its way through the post!). I stumbled across your website and this awesome community only last week and felt so inspired.
I have also struggled with depression and loneliness, and am finding that this creative community is so uplifting. It really brightens my day <3
Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am hoping my bible arrives in time for this weeks challenge (so the delay for me is actually a good thing). Keep doing what you do!
Much love,
Jul 23, 2015 @ 5:31 pm
I have held this window open since you posted it and sent out the email, for a time when I could really pore over it and take it in. At the same time, a number of emotion-challenging things occurred in the past month or so, which ultimately triggered a celiac reaction, affecting my whole upper torso with pain. It’s ebbing, but elusive as well. Things that happened included the death of my best friend, who was more than ready to go, but still…, the demise of my husband’s much-used vehicle, which meant he used mine to go to work, the subsequent demise of my car after his was replaced and the purchase of yet another vehicle for me (I got a wonderful one!) and a family day in the city, which just plain took too much out of me even though it was wonderful. I had to cut out one of my meds (had heart attack in Feb) because when my system’s overloaded, it causes the pain to be far worse. Just started it back up last night. Anyway. Chest pain and other odd things going on, which are right back where I was last summer. As I was drinking my morning coffee, I heard a whisper in my heart, “smokescreen”. Looking for further confirmation of that. It has happened before in my life that the enemy, to try to slow or prevent breakthrough, would cause symptoms, but they would be overblown for the occasion, breaking its cover. I step over the line right now, expecting this cycle to break in Jesus’ name, and walk into ABUNDANCE OF LIFE!
Jul 24, 2015 @ 4:21 pm
I have been enjoying your posts so much. I fell in May and broke both bones in my right arm, dislocated my elbow…called the terrible triad. I am recovering following surgery and needed this boost to step over the line and begin doing my artwork again. The break has affected my hand but I know God will give me the healing I need as I step out and listen to him–not fear or discouragement. Thank you so much for your encouragement!
Jul 24, 2015 @ 8:50 pm
Hi Rebekah,
I am so enjoying your blog and the Bible Journaling! It is such an inspiration to both my faith and creative side.
I had a question, I was wondering if you have ever tried PanPastels in your Bible? I made a test on a back page in my Bible, one section with no ground, one section with clear Gesso ( gritty Liquitex, that I normally love:( ) and a section with gel matte medium. The section with nothing took the PanPastels the best….so do you think I need to spray over it with a fixative if I decide to go this route? Have you tried this? thanks KimT
Jul 25, 2015 @ 7:32 pm
It’s going on about 6 months into this “struggle’ that I am in. This struggle has totally stopped me in my tracks, so to speak. I have basically retreated from life and church except to go to work. I go to work, and come home. I ran across this bible journaling and hoped it would help me get back to a relationship with God. I’ve done a few entries, but seems this struggle has squashed all creativity and the depression has more or less just paralyzed my life. Your blog about crossing the bridge, I realize I need to get up and cross this bridge in this season I am having. Thank you Rebekah for saying what God put on your heart.
Jul 25, 2015 @ 7:35 pm
Hello Rebekah,
I’m here just to thank you for letting our Father use you not only with your gifted hands, but also through your soul. My family and I, are going through very hard circumstances financially. It’s been one tough year and a half, battling with depression, loneliness, not knowing what to do, since we’re pretty much new to Canada, the country we’ve been living in since then. A few days ago, I was on the phone with my mother telling her that we were needing a “bridge” to continue bearing the circumstances and to reach our final destination, because we know we’re here “stuck” temporarily. To my surprise today that you released the W29 challenge, I see the bridge coming with this word… I am in shock… I want to believe my family and I we’ll have this bridge coming to us. Thank God for using you, Rebekah. Cesia K.
Jul 26, 2015 @ 1:38 am
Hi, I am new to Bible Journaling Art. I found you on Pinterest and I am so excited for what you do and am trying out this new art. I love the Lord and am excited to try scripture with doodling!
I was very very blessed with your prophetic word and was encouraged by it. Also with your bridge share. Thank you SO much.
I read from Elijahlist.com and they had a great word you may have seen for creativity … Lana Vawser: “Creativity is Being Unlocked and Bringing Healing”
by Lana Vawser
Jul 26, 2015. Check it out..God is SO awesome! Thank you my spirit & creativity are excited, Blessings Sandy.
Jul 27, 2015 @ 12:21 am
Thank you for sharing this word and being obedient. It is a timely word of edification for the body. Blessings!
Jul 27, 2015 @ 4:17 pm
Thank you so much for sharing your break through message with us. It has spoken to me and I so want to walk in this new season.
Jul 28, 2015 @ 3:23 am
Oh my goodness thank you so very much for this post I have been in such a dark hole the last few weeks trying to deal with things that have happened in my life and your message was very uplifting
Jul 28, 2015 @ 4:02 pm
Thanks for this timely word (for me) Rebekah. I have stepped over that imaginary line and am contending for my breakthrough. God bless you.
Jul 28, 2015 @ 5:35 pm
Thank you
Jul 31, 2015 @ 3:34 pm
This season that I am experiencing has been quite challenging for my husband and I. We bought a house that was supposed to be the last one for us. However, we are so unhappy here because of all the hidden repairs we have had to make and will have to make in the near future. It’s overwhelming and depressing.
I am hoping that by experiencing some bible journaling and reading scripture again and again and applying it my heart, I’ll be able to release myself from this prison of depression.
Aug 26, 2015 @ 1:11 am
Wonderfully inspiring post Rebekah! Blessings to you for listening to the wisdom of God and sharing it here.
To everyone here who is having challenges of any kind, you are all now on my prayer list. I sincerely wish you all profound peace and healing. “For it is your Father’s good pleasure to bring you the kingdom of Heaven.”
Oct 10, 2015 @ 3:49 am
I know this is several months since you last spoke forth this word, but God led me to that weeks Bible Art Challenge for a reason….I needed this word!! And I am super excited about joining in on the Bible Art Challenges. I need a creative boost and this is just what God knew I needed. Im ready to walk over the bridge God has for me to go into another season. 🙂 Blessings to you, Rebekah!!
Oct 10, 2015 @ 11:52 am
God is SO good at bringing a word to us, in the perfect season for us. Enjoy joining me in the Bible Art Journaling Challenge too! 🙂
Nov 5, 2015 @ 12:48 am
Hi Rebekah, Thank you so much for being obedient to what the Spirit says to your heart and as a message to all of us who are going through different things in our lives. My husband and I have been trying since March to sell our home so that we can downsize. We have faced one obstacle after another. I’ve been feeling a bit despondent. I’m new to your site and have been catching up on the teachings. Tonight I was just drawn to the bridge. I’ve read everything you shared and prayed the prayer you suggested. I’ve found so much encouragement through releasing my words in prayer. Thank you and God for the bridge! Breakthrough is coming, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
May 22, 2017 @ 2:32 am
What a great analogy of the bridge. So true, just walk over and refresh. I have just started Bible Journalling, and thats exactly what has happend to me. After years of wanting a fresh start with my ‘daily times’ with God and for the joy to come back into it, I was given a Bible Journal Bible for Mothers Day (In Australia, it was May 14) and its just been great. I cant wait until the next day to see what The Lord has to say to me and of course to meditate on His word, while enjoying a passion of drawing and colour. Thanks for your encouragement. from Vi
Jul 29, 2017 @ 12:47 am
Thank you, Rebecca. Keep choosing life, all of you. This world needs you, as do I. Cora
Sep 22, 2017 @ 12:42 pm
as amazing and on point as the day you wrote it! I will forever love the “God said, He is giving people a bridge to walk over in this season. He is even bringing the bridge to you!” That struck an amazing cord with me…
I appreciate all you do and for being here to visit with, teach and mentor, pray and love all of us. You are truly loved and I thank God that He brought you and your messages in word and art into my life.
Sep 24, 2017 @ 7:00 am
Rebekah, I was about to not respond since most of the so special comments made were in 2015. But then I saw Judy’s comment and decided this line was still active. As you know, I have been following you for several months now. But until your message of Sept. 21st 2017, I was puzzled as to why I was so enjoying your courses and the accompanying art work. You see, I was raised in a traditional Anglican Church and have been a Nurse Practitioner for over 40 yrs. My whole background has leaned toward academia; while I still respect these two parts of my life, I think my connection with Bible Art Journaling and you, Rebekah, has been the beginning of my breakthrough into a more spiritual life with God. It is funny how these things can happen without us even knowing what we are preparing for. Well, I hope this isn’t just rambling. I cannot express enough my deep appreciation and love for you and this group. Please take care of yourself, we need you and your sweet faith and wisdom.
Oct 4, 2017 @ 7:38 pm
I sincerely hope this is the time for a breakthrough for myself and all the others who have shared their struggles here. May God give you what you need to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus. I have struggled with debilitating headaches for 20+ years. It is a real challenge not to give in to discouragement. I need healing. Please pray for me. Thank you so much.
Jun 14, 2019 @ 11:35 pm
Really needed to hear this…thank you!