Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 15 – Mixed Media Tag

Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 15 of my Bible Art Journaling Challenge! I thought it was high time I offered you a tip-in tutorial! A tip-in is essentially something which you attach into your Bible on one side, which can then flip out like it’s on a hinge. This tip-in is full on mixed media which I always enjoy. Mixed media somehow allows creative perfectionism to be tossed out the window, as we get lost in just throwing things together as care-free as they come. Enjoy the video and my post below with links to what I used. π
Here is this week’s scripture. Jeremiah 1:5 says,
βBefore I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.β
Bible art journaling techniques
For those who like the idea of art journaling in your Bible but are not sure about creating right on the pages, doing a tip-in is a great option for you! You can simply attach your creative piece to the edge of your page. Just try to be aware of how bulky it gets. If you add too many tip-in’s, they could start to affect how your Bible closes.
Of course, doing an insert like I did in the week 11 Bible art journaling challenge is also a fun option. I am trying to show you what is possible in your creative time in your Bible. There really are so many options.
I’m making the rounds through various techniques and ideas in hopes you’ll find your style if you haven’t yet. You’ll find something that really clicks with you and it’s okay to watch the process unfold in your Bible as you look back at what you’ve created. It is a beautiful thing to see how we have progressed and improved creatively. It is also wonderful to look back and see how God has ministered to us through these times.
Below you can see how my mixed media tag looked once I’d put the Art Basics Clear Gesso over it. I suppose this step could have been avoided as I didn’t realize I would go on to add the Liquitex Matte Gel Medium. But, as you can see, it added a beautiful layer of texture that I love! π If you don’t have the clear gesso, you could always try to do this with the matte gel medium which would probably work just fine. π
Connecting your tip-in
A word to the wise… do as I say, not as I do. Haha! I cannot believe I was so engrossed in my project that I didn’t realize I had attached my tag too far in to even close my Bible! This past week didn’t come particularly easy for me. But the beauty is that even if things are difficult, we can sit down, create with God and find peace in His presence.
If ind that the layers of washi tape I added was possibly overboard by my tag is heavy so I wanted it to be supported. So, I do act gently as I flip it open. But I don’t really care because having this neat little creative piece attached in to my Bible is worth a gentle flip. π
I want to encourage you to not be afraid of doing this based on my silly hash up of it. Ha. Just put a layer of washi tape down on the page first, as a base. I find this whole process is better if you get each layer of washi tape, covered (top and bottom) with the Matte Gel Medium and then get it dry before adding more layers. It will no longer be tacky or cool to the touch when dry. I used my heat tool for that. A hair dryer would possibly work too for this.
If you layer it all up quickly like I did, you may find that moisture can get trapped between the layers. To fix this, hinge it open to dry overnight. In the morning, hinge it closed but leave the Bible open like you see below, to dry during the day. Then, it’ll all be totally dry and no moisture trapped.
Washi tape
I bought the washi tape I used, in a set, at a shop here in England called The Works. Sadly they are only available to us in the UK. In my effort to find a replacement for others, I came across a washi tape I seriously want to own! So adorable! Check it out in my links below. Is it not beautiful?! And perfect with this vintage style tag with cogs on it.
I admit, I may be an art supply junkie. π But, at least I find ways to use them all. π
I love the rustic feel of the back of my tag which took place as I scrubbed and dragged it through my excess paint and inks. The reason this worked was because I used my craft sheet which is non-porous. If you don’t have one, be sure to find a surface which will repel your paints and inks, rather than soaking it up. That way it’ll be sitting on top, ready for you to drag your tag through it for beautiful effects.
I was careful not to get any gesso or matte gel medium onto the back of the tag. As the acrylic ink and distress inks are pretty thin and transparent, they don’t seem to alter the texture of the tag surface. Which of course, leaves me with a beautiful surface for journaling my thoughts.
I have a feeling I am not the only one who feels there are plenty of things to meditate on and talk with God about, with regards to this scripture. So, the back of this tag tip-in serves as a wonderful surface for journaling our thoughts.
Some thoughts
I believe that when we encounter Jesus, we are never the same again. I have seen it in so many lives including my own. Lets take that a step further. Relationships come in layers. When we get to know somebody and have that first moment where we bond well, we know we’ll stay friends for a long time. Along the way, we have moments where our love for each other grows deeper and deeper.
The same is true in our relationship with Jesus. We can invite Him into our life and along the way we’ll have encounters with Him, which impact us deeply and help us grow closer to Him. One of those encounters come when we realize we are HIS kid. We are a prince and princess. We are an heir to His throne and Kingdom!
God thought us up at the beginning of time and thought we were good. He sent His only son to pay the ultimate price, dieing on the cross and raising from the dead. We get to establish His loving and beautiful Kingdom here on earth. And, if we’ve invite Him into our life, we get to then go on and be with Him for eternity in Heaven!
Here on earth, our destiny is simply to be ourselves. The very best version of ourselves. God put dreams and desires in our heart and it is our job to bask in the love He offers us, and live our dreams with Him. There are not certain roles which are more “spiritual” than others. You get to do what you love and find ways to love others the way you have been loved. To help others find how much they’re known and loved by their Creator.
Your future is bright and it was thought of at the beginning of time. I encourage you to take some time this week to think about what you’d like to do if there were NO LIMITS on your life. Set yourself some goals to work on removing those limits and live the life you dream of. I know what it means to take baby steps. It doesn’t matter if all you do is sit and listen to worship music for hours today. You will have spent time in God’s presence. Just do something. Enjoy being known by your Creator. Enjoy His passionate love for you. Be transformed by His love. And go change your corner of the world. π
Your turn to create
I would love you to try any of the techniques I’ve shared in my process with you today if you’re interested in them. I also want you to feel free to gather inspiration for this scripture in other places and create right on your page if you want. I’m looking forward to seeing what you all Bible art journal for this weeks challenge!
You can find answers to most any question you may have about the Bible Art Journaling Challenge over on my Challenge page. Be sure to head over to our Facebook group and/orΒ Google+ Community, to chat about this weeks Bible Art Journaling Challenge and get started on your own page!
Bible Art Journaling Supplies
As promised, here are the supplies I featured in this weeks video which you can click on to view or purchase. I hope it helps you find anything you may want to try out. I receive a small percentage of each purchase when anyone clicks on my art supply links, to go get supplies I use like you see below, or on my YouTube videos. This has no effect on you and makes a real difference for me! I am excited for you to get great deals on supplies anywhere, so you can join in on your budget. When you find deals which Iβve searched for and recommended below, I get supported. Thank you, I so appreciate your support which helps me provide these free tutorials for you!
Click images to view art supply details or to purchase.
Bibles Ideal For Bible Art Journaling
There are several wide-margin Bibles Iβve seen recommended for art journaling, including large print versions. Iβve created a linked collection here to make your choice easier when looking for a Bible to art journal in. If you click on any of the Bibles, you will often be able to look inside to see the pages for yourself before purchasing!
- I really like the ESV Journaling Bible with faint lines in the 2 inch wide margin and cream paper color.
- I love my imitation leather,Β NASB Note-Takerβs Bible (top left Bible below), which is free of lines in the wide and bottom margin with white paper.
- All give extra room for creativity.
- You can also join in with a Bible you already have, or even an art journal like the art journals I recommend.
Click images to view Bibles or to purchase.
If you have not done so yet, be sure to join my newsletter on the right-hand side of this page, so you can be notified when I release new Challenges and other exciting creative things.
Don’t forget to share this with any friends you think might want to know about it. I will see you right here next week, for another Bible Art Journaling Challenge!
You are loved. x
Apr 17, 2015 @ 3:16 am
What material do you use to cut out the wordplay letters? Cardstock?
Apr 17, 2015 @ 2:44 pm
Hi JoAnne! I used the mixed media paper you see linked above. π
Apr 21, 2015 @ 10:23 am
Hi JonAnne, I used the Mixed Media paper you see linked in the art supplies.
Apr 27, 2015 @ 10:06 pm
Just wondering but I noticed when you were flipping through your bible there was page that showed a path and grass and sky and something else. What is that page? It looks really cool!
Apr 28, 2015 @ 1:44 am
Oh dear! You caught me. haha I was trying to hide that page. π I’m not finished with it yet and was doing it personally. I’ll be sure to show it in a video once I get it finished just for you. π
Jun 28, 2015 @ 6:53 am
Hello Rebekah, I have SO thoroughly enjoyed your videos and am going to join (late!) your challenge. I’ve been drawing in my BIble for a long time and didn’t know it was a “thing” with a name! I’m wondering what is the difference between gesso, fluid matte medium and gel matte medium? Would one choose one product over the others for particular projects, or is one product ok universally? Thank you for a reply. Be blessed! (I’m a miraculous healing, too!)
Jun 6, 2019 @ 12:28 am
Love this! Really enjoying these lessons a lot.