Watercolor Salt Technique on Thin Paper – Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 31

Hello Everyone! It is week 31 of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge! I’ll be honest, I wasn’t one who excelled in my science and chemistry type classes in school. Art and English were more my cup of tea. I’m sure that is no surprise to you. But today, let’s get a little scientific and have some fun.
So, I love the technique of laying down a wash of watercolor and then sprinkling it with salt crystals while it is still wet. If you leave it to dry like that, the salt crystals actually soak up some of the watercolor pigment in the area where they sit. Something rather stunning and scientific happens right under your nose as it dries. When it is totally dry, you can simply brush off the salt and you’ll be left with a really amazing texture. See that white texture in the top area of that page where the red is? That is an example of what the watercolor salt technique can do. Very fun, very beautiful.
The watercolor salt technique is definitely not new, but when I went to try out this age old technique on my Bible pages, I felt like I was learning to re-invent the wheel again. It seems to be the case with SO many art techniques that have been around for decades and centuries. As soon as we apply them to Bible pages, its a total game changer and we need to start from the ground up. I’m not saying this is bad. I love a good challenge. I just discovered some coolness [click to continue…]