Bible Art Journalist Roundup Interview Ep. 1

Hello everyone! So, many of you know I run a free weekly Bible Art Journaling Challenge. It is essentially a weekly prompt with a video art tutorial and devotional all wrapped up in one relaxed, come-and-go-as-you-please challenge, with a Facebook Group and/or Google+ Community for those participating in any loose or full-on way. (Feel free to check it out if you haven’t yet!)
Anyway, since starting the challenge in January, I’ve learned one thing for sure. The hunger to learn more about art journaling in a Bible and all it entails, is global and growing rapidly. God is using this idea of joining our time in the Word with our creativity, to help us hide His Word in our hearts in a VERY fun way! And, it’s caught on like a wild fire that cannot be put out. Praise God for that! 🙂
I get SO MANY questions about Bible journaling and can only offer my own answers. Sometimes that is just fine. Other times, I search around to point people at those who have other ways of doing this process than myself. A few months ago I started dreaming of putting a blog post together, interviewing some well loved favorite creative ladies, who art journal in their Bibles. There are too many for just one interview but at least today is a start.
I wanted to bring some much asked questions, under one roof for answers to support, inspire and encourage you. And today, I get to share it with you! As anticipated, this has turned out to be more amazing than I dreamed up. You are in for a serious treat today!
I’ve rounded up and interviewed Shanna Noel, Jann Gray, Heather Greenwood, Natalie Elphinstone, April Crosier, Lisa Montgomery and Valerie Sjodin! If you art journal in your Bible, you know this is an incredible group of ladies who you’ll get to know more, be inspired by and learn from today! [click to continue…]