Collage Painting – Prophetic Art Challenge Vol. 1, Lesson 1

Collage Painting - Prophetic Art Challenge Vol. 1, Lesson 1
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Hello Everyone! Welcome to lesson 1 of the Prophetic Art Challenge, Vol. 1! In this lesson I’ll be sharing a bit about how this exciting series will work, some tips for developing and creating prophetic art, give you a collage painting tutorial and also some understanding of spiritual interpretation of prophetic art. Lots of fun to pack in, but I think you’ll find I seem to find a way to meld everything together in an approachable and supportive way that you’ll really enjoy. Grab something nice to drink, turn off distractions for a bit and let’s dive in!

Collage painting

In this first lesson, I wanted to reach for the mixed media artist in me. Mixed media art is created when we use more than one type of art medium, (aka, supply), in a piece. For example, watercolor with colored pencil both in one art piece. I wanted to create a collage painting for this lesson, to bring together a bunch of seemingly different pieces, into one thing, to represent the diversity of our prophetic art community and how we can come together. I think you’ll love how my art piece came together and at the least, will feel inspired to think of your own prophetic art ideas for this lesson.

Collage Painting - Prophetic Art Challenge Vol. 1, Lesson 1

I really want to ask you to stretch yourself here. Don’t just copy me, but really ask God to speak to you about this lesson and how you can engage with the theme. What’s the theme? Well, let’s continue on!

If you haven’t yet signed up for this series, please do. I don’t want you missing out and relying on social media sharing is a great way to miss out.

This is going to be an amazing series engaging with God, growing creatively and hearing God’s voice. I have a lot of expectation of what is about to unfold! You’re never late. Let’s do this! Don’t forget to grab the resources below and any supplies you want to try out!

As we get started with the video, you’ll notice I have several collage elements I used for this lesson and they can be found as a download right here in this post. Let’s get started!

Click here to get my free download and start your challenge!

Supplies list for this lesson

As promised, here are the supplies I featured, in this lesson. I hope they help you find anything you may want to try out. These supplies are purely optional and you are free to participate with whatever you have, using the devotional for this lesson. 

I did all of my collage painting with just one color of Inktense Blocks – Deep Indigo. I don’t believe it is in the set of 12 colors, but it is in all of the 24, 36 and 72 color sets. But, remember, this is just information. I want you to create what is on your own heart for this theme. I believe we can all create on the same topic and it can impact lives as a result!

Collage Painting - Prophetic Art Challenge Vol. 1, Lesson 1

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Lesson 1 Theme – Harmony

I used my Stillman & Birn Sketchbook, for this lesson. I have spent a lot of time creating on canvas which is good for blessing others with what we create. But, just as it is good to practice prophesying over close loved ones, who can be a safe place to learn and be encouraged in our gifts; so too, when starting the process of creating prophetic art, it can be good to start in a private art journal and ask God to speak to us about creating prophetically, as a declaration over ourselves and those closest to us.

It’s good to expect that we need practice to learn how God sounds and not come bolting out of the gate, with anything too intense or expectedly profound. Just to hear God’s voice and creatively express it is enough to impact someone’s life in a positive way.

The theme for this challenge is… HARMONY. We are all given the gift of being able to hear God’s voice. Let’s take time over these weeks, to focus in on what God can say over a situation in your life, or a friends, which could use harmony. Let’s declare harmony through our creativity. Let’s create harmony and let’s release it into the atmosphere through the God given spiritual authority we have. We’ve been given the authority to shift things over our lives and we can use creativity to speak life over situations which need hope.

I want to speak harmony (aka, peace and unity), over every member of the wider prophetic arts community.

I want declare harmony over the community as a whole who beats one heart together, while being as diverse as the world is big.

I want to speak harmony over every home which needs it’s pieces of the heart to start beating the same blood.

But, I won’t speak it.

I’ve just created it in my art piece for this lesson.

See how this works? Let’s create harmony and partner with heaven for hope to be released and change to come as easily and fluidly as blood pumps through a heart.

Collage Painting - Prophetic Art Challenge Vol. 1, Lesson 1


The process of developing and creating prophetic art

I often get asked about the process of creating prophetic art. In the simplest of explanations, I did the following steps to create this piece of prophetic art. Perhaps you can shadow my process if it helps you in your own creative journey.

In this lesson, I created a collage painting but the same process works for any type of prophetic art.

  1. Asked God who I should create a prophetic piece for. For me this time, it’s my Prophetic Arts For Jesus Community. For you, it might be for yourself, or a loved one!
  2. Asked God what theme I should use. He highlighted the word “Harmony”, to me.
  3. Searched the Bible for references to the theme, harmony. Watch the video!
  4. Searched the dictionary and other sources to learn more about what harmony is, not assuming I already know. I was reminded that harmony is another word for unity!
  5. Took time to ask God what is on His heart about this topic, for those I am sharing this word for. Watch the video and read about our theme above!
  6. Asked myself and God, what image could represent harmony. Felt led to consider a human heart, which pumps blood from and to every part of the body.
  7. Moved from listening to God for a prophetic word mode, to using my creative skill mode. This is a partnership with God. I’m always listening, but there is a time for everything and once we listen, it’s time to act! 
  8. Asked myself how I could depict the different aspects/character of the Prophetic Arts For Jesus community, who this prophetic picture is for. I like vintage graphics and also like Inktense Blocks. I decided I could do a collage painting where a heart was made up of various pieces of collage graphics. I looked for what I needed gathering music sheets, antique Bible scans, juicy fruit, prickly cactus and beautiful roses.
  9. Printed my collage elements and gathered other art supplies. Then, I just started creating! 
  10. As is the case when we invite God to be part of our creative process, God showed up and shared insights and ideas to put “His touch” on things as created this creative love note from Him, to my community.

In the lessons and months to come, I can elaborate if you want to understand better. Let me know in the comments if you’re hungry to learn about this!

Click here to get my free download and start your challenge!

It’s your turn to create.

You can find answers to most any question you may have about participating in this challenge, on the Prophetic Art Challenge page, which holds the lesson archive, supplies list, how to join in and more!

Head over to our Facebook group, to chat about this lesson and get started on your own creativity! Many of you ask if it is okay to share these posts with your friends. Please share! It is a simple way you can partner with me to impact lives.

Join the discussion below!

  1. What does harmony mean to you?
  2. Who will you be prophesying over?
  3. If you cannot use words to share a prophetic word and need to use an image instead, what image can you use to tell the story of what’s on God’s heart for this theme of harmony?
  4. What do you think of collage painting?

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! If you’re new here, we have lots of helpful people in our community who pop into the comments and share ideas and thoughts you may want to check out. If you’re discovering this when it’s been a while since I published, that’s okay! It’s not too late to join in, (it never is!) and I’d rather you start anywhere, than not at all.

You are loved. x


*Scripture quoted in the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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