Bible Journaling When You’re Busy – Deeper Still Lesson 2

Deeper Still Lesson 2
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Hello Everyone! Welcome to lesson 2 in Deeper Still! In this Bible Art Journaling Challenge series, we’re taking an adventure into the depths of God!

If you haven’t yet signed up for this free series, please do. When you sign up today, you’ll immediately get your Deeper Still welcome email. Then, you’ll get the latest lesson right to your email inbox on the 2nd Friday of each month!

That is it, let’s get started!

Deeper Still lesson 2

During the time I had allocated to film this lesson, I ended up with a minor cold and found myself on a plane to America for a 3 week trip before it could be done. I know we all have moments where the busy-ness of life can change our plans. Instead of postponing the launch of this lesson, I decided to film on the road! It was a lot of fun setting up a tripod over my friends’ dining room table and creating with limited time and supplies. I hope you enjoy joining me for this lesson as we adventure into another aspect of God’s beautiful depth! Let’s dive in!



I used my Double Column ESV Journaling Bible, for this lesson and the scripture for this challenge is Psalm 16:11…

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

The fullness of God’s joy

Before David became King David, he had spent A LOT of time as a shepherd out in the fields, worshiping and talking to God. He learned a lot about the mysteries of God as he spent time with Him. In this 16th Psalm, David was singing out to God, “in your presence there is fullness of joy…”
David continued to God singing, “at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” In study of what it means to be “at the right hand” of a throne, we often find that the right hand seat is reserved for someone who the enthroned individual deems an equal to themselves. One who is worthy to sit in equality to them. There are of course, plenty of ways for people to get confused by this message and I want to share this point in clarity.
God’s Word clearly invites us to be a friend of God. We are no longer slaves. I want to propose that when we spend time with God as a friend instead of from the perspective of slave, we can bloom a friendship that can bring a fullness of joy that is not experienced without it. As a servant of God, we do things out of obligation and even when in a mindset of willingness, it is still obligation. As a friend of God, we do things out of pure love and joy for God. It is from this mindset that we get a deepening friendship with God that is pure bliss and full of pleasures forevermore. Friends share secrets and if we are to grow deeper in the depths of God, we must be a friend who is available to hear His heart and steward what He shares with us.
Please do NOT hear me say that we should act on our own accord without God’s heart in mind. Please DO hear me say that we should act with our BEST friend in mind as one who is smitten. May we stay or return to our “first love” experience with God and steward it through enjoying pure friendship with Him, that blooms a life with Him that impacts others with the joy that leaks out of that friendship.

Bible journaling when you’re busy

You know, I think it is safe to say that we all have something going on in life that could distract us from taking time to get in the Word. Bible journaling when you’re busy can be a challenge. In reality, it is far greater to push out something else, in order to be in the Word. The Word is what transforms us. Being in God’s presence, open to His Words and willing to encounter Him there, is key to us moving forward in our daily walk with Him.
I think Bible journaling is fantastic for showing us a way to enjoy our time in the Word with pure joy, instead of it being a task or discipline we only do to “become better”. Bible journaling gives us a way to cast off the serious part of forcing depth with God to build and instead just enjoy hanging out with God. Hanging out with Him will naturally help us be transformed by God.


I’d love to hear from you in the comments below! If you’re new here, we have lots of helpful people in our community who pop into the comments and share ideas and thoughts you may want to check out. If you’ve not seen lesson one yet, I encourage you to start at the beginning so we can go on a journey together in this free 12-part devotional series. It’s not too late to join in, (it never is!) and I’d rather you start anywhere, than not at all.

Bible journaling supplies featured today

As promised, here are the supplies I featured, in this lesson. I hope they help you find anything you may want to try out.  These supplies are purely optional and you are free to participate with whatever you have, using the devotional for this lesson.

Links lead to my own sites, or my affiliate partners, DaySpring,,, Simon Says Stamp, Michaels, and Joy Clair. I occasionally also link to other helpful sites whom I am not affiliated with. When you find products which I’ve recommended through my affiliate partners, this ministry is supported. This has no effect on you and helps impact lives through this ministry. You may view my disclosure for more info on how this works. Thank you. I so appreciate your support, which helps me support your creative journey with God!

Join me in this Bible Art Journaling Challenge

You can find answers to most any question you may have about participating in this challenge, on the Bible Art Journaling Challenge page and learn more about this devotional series, on the Deeper Still page which holds the lesson archive, supplies list and and how to join in!

Deeper Still

Be sure to head over to our Facebook group or Google+ Community, to chat about this Bible Art Journaling Challenge and get started on your own creativity!

Many of you ask if it is okay to share these posts with your friends. Please share! It is a simple way you can partner with me to impact lives. And remember, you can join this challenge any date you wish. The community is always growing and you are welcome to participate whenever you want!

Thanks for joining me. Please take a moment and comment below! I’d love to hear from you!

You are loved. x

Deeper Still Lesson 2

*Artwork completed in the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*Links take you to my affiliate partners, Dayspring (DS), (SB), (AZ), Simon Says Stamp (SSS), and (UK). And, occasionally to other shops whom I am not an affiliate of. When you find deals which I’ve recommended through my affiliate partners, I get supported. This has no effect on you and makes a real difference for me. You may view my affiliate and product disclosure for more info on how this works. Thank you, I so appreciate your support, which helps me support your creative journey with God!

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