Bible Journaling Pens & Markers

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Bible Journaling Pens and MarkersPens & Markers

Pens and markers are a must for Bible journaling. You can even start Bible journaling with only 1 pen, if you want! You can use pens to journal notes, sketch simple illustrations and add finishing touches to artistic designs. See which pens and markers I recommend for Bible journaling.


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Black Pens & Markers

There are plenty of black pens you could use for Bible journaling. I recommend you stick to felt-tipped pens, for best results. I find Faber-Castell Pitt Artist pens to perform best in all cases.


Colored Pens & Markers

Colored pens and markers are fun for adding some color to your creativity. Not all are created equal but I find these to work well in your Bible with minimal chances of bleed through, compared to other options, with Faber-Castell Pitt Pens being my all-time favorite.


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