Brusho Technique with Masks – Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 37

Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 37 of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge! This week I splashed color EVERYWHERE with something called Brusho. I did a Brusho technique with masks which I’m excited to share with you!
In week 8 of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge, I did a rather wild and invasive Bible art journaling technique in my NASB Note-Taker’s Bible. I wanted to share here what I said about my Bible then, as it really applied again with my Single Column ESV Journaling Bible…
“I really wanted to break my Bible in a bit. Do something creatively with it which would finally make it feel like I wasn’t making another person’s book beautiful. Like, it was too precious to mess up and be real with. I wanted to OWN that book for myself and feel it has finally made home with me.”
I feel like this week, I’ve done [click to continue…]