Hand Lettering Tips – Bible Art Journaling Challenge Week 44

Hello Everyone! Welcome to week 44 of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge! I am so amazed that we are in November already. I feel like the year has flown by for me. I remember at the beginning of this year posting my first Bible Art Journaling Challenge, on January 6th and telling myself how much I was looking forward to the day, where I’d have at least 40-50 blog posts with videos. That would feel like I’d finally managed to get a start at sharing with you, some of the devotionals on my heart and some favorite Bible art journaling techniques and tools.
And here we are! I do feel like I’ve made that start and am so grateful for the journey I’ve been on with you as a beautiful growing community. And if you’re new to me, welcome! I hope you’ll grow to love [click to continue…]