How to request to join the Prophetic Arts For Jesus community

  • In order to request to join the Prophetic Arts for Jesus, facebook group, visit while logged in to facebook. Select “Request to Join” and then wait for your request to be processed manually by an admin. You may request here:
  • You may try to improve your chance of being accepted by making changes to your facebook profile where necessary. Your profile privacy needs to be public enough for us to click on your name and see your profile. Once we click on your profile, we will be looking for:
    • Publicly viewable About details. This helps us know you are not a spam account. Please have a look at the Basics of Privacy Facebook Help if you need assistance.
    • Publicly viewable photos. This is an indication to us that your privacy settings are more likely to be ready for you to join into our group fully. I don’t expect all posts and photos on your personal profile to be visible, but I do expect to see some.
    • No objectional material. We have minors in our group and are also focused on Jesus. If your profile shares inappropriate posts or photos, you will not be approved to join.
    • No clear objection, or disdain for Jesus. I understand not all will be passionate followers of Jesus who find their way to our group, but all members must be open to relationship with Jesus and willing to follow the group guidelines like everyone else.
    • No argumentative behavior. If your profile leads us to believe that you will object to group posts, or cause trouble with argumentative behavior, you will not be approved to join.