Learn who can see your posts and if/where they can be shared, once posted in our group.
- I sadly, very often delete posts because of privacy setting issues which could have been resolved. My team and I take note of whose posts have privacy issues. A post will simply say “attachment unavailable”, indicating the privacy settings don’t allow it to be shared publicly. The first two-three times a member has this happen, an admin/moderator comments on the post with details on how they can change the privacy setting. If they have not responded or resolved the privacy setting after about 24 hours, we delete the post. If the problem persists beyond the first 2-3 posts, we simply delete posts without commenting.
- Because of the nature of us being a worldwide community, all posts must to be fully visible to the public so that all members of the group can interact properly. If myself or anyone in the group tells you they cannot see your work, you’ll need to click on the ‘v’ at the top right of your post and edit the privacy settings to ‘public’ so we can all see. It may be that your general Facebook settings only allow friends to see your photos which is why you could see everything, but others claim to not be able to. If needed, please have a look at the Basics of Privacy Facebook Help, to gain understanding on how to share more publicly on Facebook generally, which will improve your chances of posts being shared properly. For specific help on sharing in a Facebook Group, please see Facebook Help in Group Basics and Group Features. If all else fails, please delete your post, and try to post again once you’ve adjusted your settings.
- You may want to understand who on Facebook can see your interaction with this group and what they can see. Please see this Facebook table about group privacy options to understand fully. We are a Public group where anyone can be invited, and my team and I are then the only people who process member requests.