What is happening with the Prophetic Arts For Jesus Facebook group?
In 2008, I founded a Facebook Group called Prophetic Arts for Jesus, which has grown to be the worlds largest online community of prophetic artists.
With over 13,000 members representing 60+ nations, the community is currently archived. If you are already a member, you may search for it in your groups and see my explanation post about this pause. If you are not a member, you will not see the group at this time.
I’ve poured thousands and thousands of hours into this community over the past decade and while I have hit the pause button, it simply means I’m trusting God with our family story.
Below is a Facebook post I made on May 31st, 2018, to members of the facebook group…
“It is with much prayer and input that after a decade of this community having its doors open, that I must announce a pause for the foreseeable future.
I will be archiving this community effective immediately. I’ve made an invitation for more volunteer support over the past weeks and months for our rapidly growing community and not enough help has come forward. What God orders, He pays for. My team and I simply cannot moderate this community properly by ourselves any longer. Part of this reason is due to an increase in bullying behavior which I do not tolerate.
Moderating smaller groups is quite easy and moderating groups this same size who come to learn and grow together is also quite easy. I do both. When we put 13,000 of us in a space together who are passionate about sharing what God is speaking prophetically through creativity, the moderation requirements are beyond what a small team can manage without bullying and inappropriate teaching slipping in and hurting people. I will not host a free-for-all. At any such time that we would open our doors again, there will be changes to ensure we’re here to grow in our creative journey together positively.
Archiving the group simply freezes activity. No posting or interaction will be possible, no new members may be added. Members may still be deleted, or leave freely. As a member you’ll be able to see this group, search for it and browse what is already here. It will not appear to non-members.
This group is not to be considered “done” and no one should be sending unsolicited invites to other members, including to invite to other groups. This is abuse of the community and not appropriate. Please write to me and report members who attempt this at [email protected] with their name as it appears here on Facebook.
We’re on pause. Let’s all take a long, deep, breath. Know that I love you each deeply and this decision has not come easily. In fact, it has been a painful choice I have fought hard to not arrive at. I’ve poured thousands and thousands of hours into this community over the past decade and while I have hit the pause button, it simply means I’m trusting God with our family story. In the coming month I pray God will cause a rebirth which makes us stronger and more beautiful than ever. As always, I will continue to pray for you.
As the founder of this community, I don’t want you feeling isolated and I do still run a thriving full time art ministry which serves those hungry to learn and grow in their creative journey with God. If you feel hungry to encounter Jesus through creativity and want to learn from me, I invite you to join my other Facebook group which is a space designed to share your experience in following my teaching which currently spans Bible journaling, prophetic art journaling and more. It is not appropriate to join unless you desire to engage with my lessons, but you are invited if this is of interest to you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1562136987363764/
Stay connected with me and this art ministry. Absolutely NO private messaging me or my team. We cannot keep up with the volume and your message will be lost which would be sad. Instead, email me anytime, follow and subscribe on social media. Head to my blog and get on my email list to stay connected without social media algorithms getting in the way of our contact. This space may be on pause, but lets stay in touch and keep growing in our creative journeys together.
You are loved,
Rebekah R Jones x”