Bible Journaling Inktense

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Bible Journaling InktenseInktense

Inktense is a unique product created by Derwent, which is often mistaken as watercolor. Inktense is ink which has been dried and formed into either pencils, or blocks. Because Inktense is an ink, it is permanent, which means its easier to work with than watercolor and great for protecting against spills in your Bible.

Inktense Pencils are perfect for drawing your color in before adding water. Alternatively, Inktense Blocks can be used like a traditional watercolor, where you apply a damp brush to the block, to release the color and start creating.


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I get a lot of questions about what Inktense is, how it differs from other products, the difference between Inktense Blocks and Inktense Pencils,… So, I’ve put a little video together for you with a little how to thrown in.

Let me also show you about color swatching the Inktense Blocks 24 set, (same colors as the 24 pencils).

Now, let’s look at Inktense Blocks and Inktense Pencils below so you can find a set that is right for you!


Inktense Blocks

Inktense Blocks can be used like a traditional watercolor, where you apply a damp brush to the block, to release the color and start creating.


Inktense Pencils

Inktense Pencils are perfect for drawing your color in, before adding water. They are easily my favorite art supply and nearly the only one I miss, when I’m too busy to use them.


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