Journaling Bibles & Art Journals

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Journaling Bibles and Art JournalsJournaling Bibles & Art Journals

Learn which Journaling Bibles and art journals I recommend for creative time with God. Every budget and personal taste has been considered and I’m sure you’ll find what’s right for you at this time.


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Journaling Bibles

I regularly get requests for advice on choosing a Journaling Bible. My free, Complete Guide To Choosing A Journaling Bible, is my answer to all the questions. I keep this guide up-to-date and you should find it incredibly helpful from searching Bibles by types, translations and languages, to understanding translations and what you need to know when choosing a Journaling Bible. It even has a free checklist for simply choosing a Journaling Bible. The guide will open in a new browser tab, so you can come back to look at other Bible journaling supplies once you’ve selected a Bible.

The Complete Guide To Choosing A Journling Bible


Art Journals

Sometimes you also just want to illustrate your journey with God, without creating directly on the pages of a Journaling Bible. These are the art journals I happily recommend for your creative time with God.

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