I encourage you to use whatever supplies or creative techniques you’d like, to create with me. You do not have to use the same creative techniques or supplies I use, to participate – only the devotional. Many of you like to follow along with me so, by popular request, I am providing you with a supply list. While this is not a full supply list, it is key products I repeatedly use during this series. I used items I also shared in the Original Series of the Bible Art Journaling Challenge. In Heaven Is Calling, you’ll learn even more uses for these supplies, while I maintain a skill level anyone can enjoy.
In the Original Series, my goal was to share a broad spectrum of techniques and supplies, to offer diversity. In Heaven Is Calling I restrained myself to a limited selection, so you can get the most out of a smaller collection of key supplies. You can of course see my devotional and then look across my blog for inspiration on how to use whatever you have on hand.
I hope that you will feel free to use whatever you have available to you and feel most excited about. A key to enjoying this process is not seeing it as a discipline and instead as a time to play with our Creator and enjoy His company as we fall deeper in love with Him and His Word.
Notes about the supply list…
You do not need to own everything on this supply list to participate. My creative tutorials are optional but super fun. 🙂 Use what you have or purchase 1-2 recommended color products, based on your preference. Look at my archives for tutorials on how these supplies work, if they’re new to you. This is your journey, so be sure you enjoy it! If a product is new to you, try buying the smallest amount or set first, to try it out.
If you have similar products to my recommendations, don’t bother buying my recommendations, unless you’re unsatisfied with yours, or find I’ve given advice which means yours could work improperly on Bible paper. You can test in a back page for best results.
Grab an art journal or Bible with wide margins, to join me. Below are the Bibles I feature in this series, plus a link to my Complete Guide To Choosing A Journaling Bible. I’ve also got links to my favorite art journals if you’re not quite ready to create inside a Bible.
If you get acrylic paints, try buying 2-3 colors which are next to each other on the color wheel, which you enjoy most.
The clear gesso and heat gun are for “page prep” which helps you add a clear protective layer on your paper before creating, so nothing bleeds through to the back of your pages. This is not necessary for dry products like colored pencils, but is useful for anything with moisture including ink pads, Inktense and watercolor. Gesso is a great way to strengthen your paper so it is less fragile to create on. You can learn more about this process and the spiritual and practical foundations of Bible journaling in my Page Prep course at www.PagePrep.com
Lastly, when looking at sets below, if you click on Distress Ink Pads or Inktense pencils (for example), you can generally look around on the page I send you to, in order to find various sets with larger or smaller range of color, or different colors when sold separately. Let this process be your own journey and what gets you enjoying time in the Word most. 🙂